

Newly married, my husband, Eric, and I moved to a new home with our kids. Now we would start trying to blend our families.


From the beginning, it was total chaos. There were endless chores, to say nothing of the logistics of caring for four kids under 8 (two from our previous marriages and two we'd had together). At the same time, I had just started a new full-time job writing legal briefs from home, and I was trying to finish a dissertation for my Ph.D. in history. All of which meant that I was trapped inside for days at a time with my kids, whose constant bickering was driving me nuts.

跟其他无数的现代母亲一样,我想通过吼叫、唠叨来改变他们。不用多说,这样做反让他们更不听话。有一次,在经历了特别难熬的一天之后,我拖着沉重的步伐走进我的居家办公室。我筋疲力尽,不想工作,于是就坐在桌子边,盯着布满灰尘的书架。就在这个时候,我看到了一本旧书:《君主论》(The Prince)。

Like millions of other modern moms, I tried to change them by yelling and nagging. This, of course, only made their behavior worse. After one especially trying day, I stomped off to my home office. Too exhausted to work, I sat at my desk and stared at a dusty shelf of books. And there I saw it: an old copy of 'The Prince.'

我把它从书架上抽出来,研究了一下封面。那是尼科洛•马基雅维利(Niccolo Machiavelli)的一幅肖像。他坚定的目标谦和地望着我,薄薄的嘴唇漾起一个淡淡的、会心的笑容,他的站姿有力而又自信──这一切都是当时的我所没有的。

Pulling it from the shelf, I studied its cover