
Paul Armstrong is looking to hire at ChoreMonster LLC, the Web startup he co-founded in Cincinnati. The ideal candidate will oversee the logistics of a recent move to a new office space, focus on staff morale and keep the organization running on schedule.

辛那提网络初创企业ChoreMonster LLC的联合创始人保罗•阿姆斯特朗(Paul Armstrong)正在为公司招聘一名员工。最终入选的那位求职者将要负责的工作是:在公司最近的一次搬迁过程中负责监管物流、鼓舞员工士气以及保持整个团队准时准点工作。

Or, as he put it on Twitter: 'We need an office mom.'


The office mom is shorthand for a figure in many offices: the colleague who remembers everyone's birthdays and brings in cupcakes. She has Advil and tissues in her desk drawer. She knows your significant other is all wrong for you -- and will say so.


She is often an office manager but can be a senior executive, too. Just as people talk about their 'office spouse,' a colleague they spend time with and confide in, the office mom is asserting herself as the matriarch of the office family. This is especially true for more companies as they ditch private offices in favor of open-space desks where senior staff members sit among the junior and every personal phone call is overheard.


The office mom is almost always a woman and often slightly older than other colleagues. She might actually be a mother, but not necessarily. A relationship with her is complex like all family relationships tend to be: A younger employee might want to please her professionally, even as she grits her teeth listening to her personal advice.


In offices staffed with and run mostly by women, office mothering can become a management style. At XO Group Inc., the company that owns wedding and baby-centric websites TheKnot.com and TheBump.com, 164 people work in open-space headquarters in downtown Manhattan. Nearly three-quarters of them are women. 'We have office moms, department moms, desk-row moms,' says Carley Roney, the company's co-founder and editor in chief.

在那些女性员工居多并在多数情况下由女性掌舵的公司里,"办公室妈妈"式教育就会成为一种管理方式。在拥有婚庆网站TheKnot.com与育儿网站TheBump.com的XO集团(XO Group Inc),有164名员工在位于曼哈顿下城公司总部的开放空间内办公,他们中有近四分之三的人是女性。该公司联合创始人及主编龙佳丽(Carley Roney)说:"我们有办公室妈妈,部门妈妈,还有小组妈妈。"

Apropos of the company business, baby showers, engagement parties and birthday celebrations are officewide parties, replete with champagne, handcrafted decorations, ornately decorated cookies and tiered cakes.


Some women may worry about taking on a stereotypical role few men fill at a time when a woman's navigation between the workplace and home remains a societal flash point. But Lori Richmond, XO's creative director, sees management value in office moms.

在女性在工作与家庭二者之间探寻自身定位的举动还是社会争议热点的这个年代,有些女性对出任传统观念中该由男性担任的角色可能会心存担忧。但XO集团创意部负责人罗莉•里士满(Lori Richmond)却看到了办公室妈妈在管理方面的价值。

'I'm not worried about being seen as too soft or not tough enough,' says Ms. Richmond, a 36-year-old mother of two. 'Nurturing valuable employees is critical.'


For 18 years, Judy Gale, 66, has worked in the photography studio helping to prepare the catalogs mailed by office supply and accessory company Levenger Co. of Delray Beach, Fla. Levenger is a family-owned business with a staff upon whom Mrs. Gale dotes. Her daughter and grandson live in New Jersey and Ms. Gale says it brings her happiness to have recipients of her advice and nurturing nearby. She bakes cakes and cupcakes for the entire staff's birthdays, buys toys for colleagues' children, and stocks tea bags in case someone feels a chill. 'I have one of those big pocketbooks with everything in the world in it,' she says.

现年66岁的朱迪•盖尔(Judy Gale)在佛罗里达州德尔雷海滩(Delray Beach)的办公用品及配件公司Levenger Co.工作了18年,她所在的部门是参与制作公司邮寄的商品目录的摄影工作室。Levenger是一个家族企业,该公司的员工都深受盖尔的宠爱。盖尔的女儿和外孙住在新泽西州。盖尔说,身边能有人聆听自己的建议、接受自己的照料让她觉得很高兴。盖尔会在每个员工生日的时候为他们烘焙生日蛋糕和纸杯蛋糕,会给同事的孩子们买玩具,还预备了袋泡茶在谁觉得冷的时候让他们泡茶喝。盖尔说:"我就有一个那样的大提包,里头世上的一切应有尽有。"

Ms. Gale's 'daughters' love her, as only daughters can. Dena Mullen, 44, has worked with her at Levenger for nearly 13 years. 'She comes to you: 'Do you have lunch? I'll make you a sandwich. You feel OK?' ' Ms. Mullen says. If she feels smothered, Ms. Mullen says so. 'I can tell her when to back off.'

盖尔的"女儿们"像亲生女儿一样爱着她。44岁的德娜•马伦(Dena Mullen)与她在Levenger共事了近13年。马伦说:"她会过来问你,'你吃午饭了吗?我给你做个三明治吧。你还好吧?'"如果马伦觉得盖尔的关心让自己觉得有些透不过气来,她就会实话实说,"如果有些时候我希望她别太关照我,我就跟她说。"

Talitha Peters, 37, is the creativedirector of Sole Society Inc., an e-commerce shoe company partially funded by Nordstrom Inc. She tells the 20-somethings on her staff that she wishes they would eat more and she reminds them before they head out not to text-and-drive.

37岁的塔丽莎•彼得斯(Talitha Peters)是Sole Society Inc.公司的创意部负责人。Sole Society是诺德斯特龙公司(Nordstrom Inc.)部分注资的一家出售鞋品的电子商务公司。彼得斯对她那些20多岁的下属说,她希望他们能多吃点儿。在员工出门前,她还会提醒他们不要在开车的时候收发短信。

'People always say, 'Oh, you're such a mom,' ' says Ms. Peters, who insists she was the person colleagues sought for personal advice long before her oldest daughter was born three years ago.


In an economy where companies can grow quickly without the infrastructure of human resources, an office mom is about more than birthday cakes. Pamela Mendoza is the executiveassistant and office manager at Udemy, a Silicon Valley online education company. At 38, she is one of the oldest in the office. When new people move to town to join the company, she offers advice on finding apartments and restaurants. She shares her feelings about the importance of a work-life balance. Recently, she ordered a dining room table for the center of the office to encourage people to step away from their computers for long enough to eat lunch. 'It's not the job, it's my personality,' Ms. Mendoza says.

如今,有很多企业并未开设人力资源部门却仍能迅速成长。在这样的情况之下,一位办公室妈妈带来的东西远远不止生日蛋糕那么简单。帕梅拉•门多萨(Pamela Mendoza)在硅谷在线教育公司Udemy担任行政助理兼办公室经理。现年38岁的她是办公室里最年长的人。每当有新同事要搬家来本地时,她总会给出一些有关找房和用餐餐馆的建议。她还会和同事们分享自己对平衡工作与家庭的重要性的感想。门多萨最近订了一张餐桌,将它放在了办公室的正中间,她这么做是为了鼓励大家从电脑前抽身离开足够长的时间来吃午餐。门多萨说:"这不是我的分内工作,这是我的性格。"

For Eliza Davidson, a 23-year-old recent college graduate, Ms. Mendoza's support has been a comfort. Ms. Davidson says: 'Pamela has been a great guide for the more quote-unquote 'adult things' I need to care about, like health care and taxes.'

对于现年23岁、刚从大学毕业的伊莱扎•戴维森(Eliza Davidson)来说,门多萨的支持已成了一种安慰。戴维森说:"在很多我要注意的所谓'成人事宜'方面,像医保和税收等,帕梅拉一直都是一个很棒的指导者。"

Some office moms say they take on the role without thinking -- they are moms at home and don't know how to switch it off. Others become office moms because nurturing younger colleagues gives them an outlet for maternal energy.


Rayetta Esquibel, 61, never had children of her own, but she has collected about a dozen of them over the 18 years she has worked as an administrativeassistant in the marketing and communications office of California State University, Northridge. Many of her 'kids' are college students, past and present, who worked in the office. She gives advice on love and office politics. She lends money sometimes. One paid intern confided to her that he was homosexual before he told his own mother. The executive staff also comes to her for Band-Aids, candy, pep-talks and advice.

61岁的拉叶塔•埃斯奎贝尔(Rayetta Esquibel)自己从未生养过孩子,但在过去的18年中,她前后照料过十几个孩子。他们都是她在加州州立大学北岭分校(California State University, Northridge)市场营销办公室担任行政助理时结识的。埃斯奎贝尔的"孩子"中有很多人都是大学生,有在读的,也有已经毕业离校的,但他们都曾在这间办公室工作过。埃斯奎贝尔不仅会在感情问题和办公室政治方面向他们给出自己的建议,有时还会借钱给他们。曾有一名带薪实习生向她坦白,他是同性恋。在这之后,他才将实情告知自己的妈妈。公司的高级职员也会找她要创可贴、糖果之类的东西,也会从她那里寻求鼓励和建议。

Last weekend Ms. Esquibel delivered a reading during the wedding of Mitzye Ribas, 31, who worked with Ms. Esquibel eight years ago. Ms. Ribas was away from home for the first time, and Ms. Esquibel provided her with guidance, love and the occasional hot meal. Ms. Ribas says her mother has expressed jealousy over her closeness to another maternal figure. 'I'll tell her, 'She's my office mom, but you're my mom mom.' '

上个周末,埃斯奎贝尔在米兹耶•里巴斯(Mitzye Ribas)的婚礼上致辞。现年31岁的里巴斯曾在八年前与埃斯奎贝尔一起工作过。那是里巴斯第一次离家。当时,埃斯奎贝尔不仅给她提了些指导意见、给予关怀疼爱,还会时不时送上热腾腾的饭菜。里巴斯说,她自己的妈妈知道她和另一位散发着母性光辉的人如此亲近,不禁心生醋意。里巴斯说:"我会告诉她,'埃斯奎贝尔是我的办公室妈妈,你是我的亲妈妈。'"

Alison Bernstein is XO's vice president of development, and she is also one of the office moms. She says every day is an occasion for cupcakes. A 41-year-old mother of three, she is also the residentexpert on how to sleep-train babies. When new mothers come to her bleary-eyed for advice, she warns them that they are in for a dose of tough love. 'Being an office mom means sometimes saying the things that need to be said,' Ms. Bernstein says.

XO集团开发部副总裁艾莉森•伯恩斯坦(Alison Bernstein)也是众多办公室妈妈中的一员。她说,每天都是吃纸杯蛋糕的好日子。作为三个孩子的妈妈,伯恩斯坦堪称训练孩子入睡方面的驻场专家。每当有睡眼惺忪的新妈妈向她寻求建议时,她都会警告说,虽然她爱她们,但是她的措辞会很严厉。伯恩斯坦说:"当一名办公室妈妈意味著有时要说些该说的话。"

Melissa Bach, a 27-year-old public-relations manager for TheBump.com, says she looks up to Ms. Bernstein because she is a mother, a wife and an executive. Though Ms. Bach says she is also close with her mother, she turns to Ms. Bernstein for dating and career advice because their relationship is uncomplicated. 'You know how it is with your mom: Even if you know she's right, you just can't hear it from her.'

TheBump.com的公关经理、27岁的梅丽莎•巴赫(Melissa Bach)说,她很尊敬伯恩斯坦,因为她身兼三职:母亲、妻子和高管。虽然巴赫说自己与亲妈妈也很亲密,但她会从伯恩斯坦那里寻求约会和职场方面的建议,因为她们之间的关系率真而简单。巴赫说:"你知道,和亲妈妈之间的情形是这样的:即使你知道她会给你正确的建议,这些问题你也不能找她去问。"

Katherine Rosman
