
▲My view on ...题型

Nowadays there is a widespread concern over主词 .However, when it comes to this hot topic, people's view vary from person to person. Some people hold that 观点 .However, others list the opposite idea with regard to it. They argue that 观点2 .

As far as I am conserned , I am in favor of the former/latter idea. I make out my case as follows: In the first place, while it is true that观点1, it doesn't mean/follow that观点1.1 . Admittedly, 观点2 ,but this is not say that观点2.2 .

Based on the discussion above, the conclusion can be drawn is obvious: _______ (100 Words)

▲Advantages and disadvantages of ...题型

At present, there is no doudt that 主题 plays an increasingly important role in 领域/运用范围 . We are all aware that, like everything else, 主题 have both favorable and unfavorable aspects. Generally speaking, the advantages can be listed as follows. First of all, (优点1)... makes people's everyday life more convenient. In addition, (优点2)... connects its users with the outsides world. Most important of all, with a ... , (优点3)... people's life will be greatly enriched.

But it is pity that every medal has two sides. The disadvantages of主题can't be ignored. To begin with, there will be a danger of (缺点1) spending too much time on it therefore ignoring what you should concentrate on. To make matters worse, (缺点2)主题may add to your daily expenses. Worst of all, (缺点3)主题may plunge you into an expected trouble.

As is known to all, 主题 is neither good nor bad itself. Its effects on people depends, to a large extent, on how 主题 is used. Now that the disadvantages have been put out, they will be paid attention to and eliminated to some degree.(182 words)

▲ How to ...题型

Along with the great economic development/the development of people's living standard in China and the high call for 主题 ,more and more people are coming to realize the serious problem caused by 主题 and how to solve this problem has become a big concern.

As a matter of fact, there are many ways which can contribute to the resolving of this serious problem, but in my view, the following ones may be effective. First of all, 主题(方法1)people should be educated to become aware of the terrible consequences of. Another way to solve the problem is to 主题(方法2) tighten the relevant regulations or laws to prevent.... Finally, to make people forget 主题, (方法3)a substitute for it should be found.

What have been mentioned above may not be the only several measures we can take. But there is effort, the problem is bound to be solved in the near future.(173 words)

▲ Why...题型

With the development of society in modern times, more and more people realize that 主题 is of primary importance. Moreover, many successful examples (in advanced countries) have demonstrated the importance of the主题. Therefore, in a developing country such as China, 主题must enjoy top priority.

First of all, the construction of our country and the development of society call for more主题. Next, the improvement of people's living standard requires主题. Finally, with 主题, more opportunities will be opened up for those who seek to develop their own careers.

Considering the above discussion, we can see主题 is good not only for the development of our country but for every individual. The authority should adopt a series of measures to protect and promote the development of主题.(120 words)

▲ 意义影响型

We are very glad and excited that our dream of 主题will come true/ have come true after a long waiting. People throughout the country have been celebrating the coming of主题in various ways and they are eager to participate or experience in ... .

There is no doubt that主题will benefit China and Chinese people in many different aspects. First of all, 主题will expose China and Chinese to more domestic and foreign visitors, thus promoting the mutual understanding and friendship between people from different regions and cultures. More importantly, by interacting with people from different regions and cultures, people can learn from each other. Finally, 主题will undoubtedly promote the development of economy.

Now that主题is significant to our country and the people, everybody involved should make his effort to contribute something to主题, With everyone's involvement and participation , 主题will be a great success and is bound to benefit the country and the people involved.

▲ Chart型

As is shown in the table/chart/curve. The number of 主题 increased from ... million in 2001 to ... million in 2002 and to ... in 2003. Apparently the number of 主题 has been on a dramatic rise in recent years.

What accounts for the increase? In my opinion, at least three factors contribute to the changes. To begin with, the changes are closely related to the rising income of the Chinese. With their living standards steadily going up, they have adequate extra money to afford 主题 . More importantly, the changes have a lot to do with the turning of the people's attitudes towards and outlook on life. They have begun to try every means to ____ , Finally, the changes are enhanced and promoted by the government's bettering policy in the ___ field. Now it is possible for people to ____ .

With the development of society, the increasing trend is bound to continue. As far as I am concerned, it's a good sign and should be promoted since it brings benefits not only to people but to the development of country.(180 words)

▲ A or B 题型

When it comes to 主题, it is inevitable to make the choice between A and B . It is inconsiderate if we rush toward a decision without careful analysis of A and B.

To start with, both A and B can make your life easy if you hold a right attitude and make a good use of it. However, A的优点, But, A的缺点 . How about B? B的优点 . Unfortunately, B的缺点 .

Considering what is discussed above, we will find it is not difficult to make a right choice now. If we are particular about ___ , we'd better choose A; but if we lay much value on ___ , we'd better turn to B. In a word, both A and B will contribute something to our life and whether to choose A or B rests on every individual's preference.(119 words)
  • widespread [´waidspred] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.广布的;普遍的 四级词汇
  • increasingly [in´kri:siŋli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.日益,愈加 四级词汇
  • speaking [´spi:kiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.说话 a.发言的 六级词汇
  • participate [pɑ:´tisipeit] 移动到这儿单词发声 v.参与;分享;带有 四级词汇
  • participation [pɑ:,tisi´peiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.参加,参与 六级词汇
  • outlook [´autluk] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.眺望;景色;展望 四级词汇
  • policy [´pɔlisi] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.政策;权谋;保险单 四级词汇
  • considering [kən´sidəriŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 prep.就...而论 四级词汇

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