
SAC Capital Advisors LP bet big on a firm called Ardea Biosciences Inc. at the beginning of last year.

去年年初,对冲基金巨头SAC Capital Advisors LP 对一家名叫Ardea Biosciences Inc.的企业押下重注。

Diving into a small stock it never before reported owning, the hedge-fund firm bought 1.2 million shares, which at the end of the first quarter were valued at $26.7 million.

这家对冲基金公司总计买入120万股该公司股票,这笔投资去年一季度末价值2,670万美元。从SAC此前披露的持仓情况看, 该公司此前从未买入这家小公司的股票。

Three weeks later, a stake of that size was worth $12.1 million more. On April 23, Britain's AstraZeneca PLC said it would buy Ardea, the culmination of two months of confidential negotiations. The deal sent the stock soaring 52% that day.

三周后,这笔投资的价值激增1,210万美元。去年4月23日,英国的阿斯利康(AstraZeneca PLC)表示将收购Ardea。这一结果的达成经过了两个月的秘密谈判。消息公布当天,Ardea股价大涨52%。

Such high-stakes trading over the years has made SAC the subject of admiration and envy on Wall Street. The hedge-fund firm