
Tablets and smartphones may have taken over people's lives, but Microsoft has managed to maintain a hold on the way many people use their PCs with one product: trusty Microsoft Office.


微软最新版的Office软件已于2013年1月29日正式推出,与之前的版本有很大区别。首先,Office 365采取了一个令人惊讶的全新定价模式,只收取每年自动续约的订阅费;而且可以全年持续更新软件,用户每次打开Office套装中的一个程序,运行的一定是最新版本。

Microsoft's newest version of Office, available starting Tuesday, is a radical change from the past. For starters, Office 365 has a surprising new price model: It is only available as a subscription that can automatically renew each year. This new systemconstantly updates program features year round. Every time you open a program in Office, you will be running the latest version.

Office 365与云端的联系更为密切,文档默认保存在微软公司SkyDrive存储服务器上,因此用户可以远程查看并编辑自己的文件和个人设置。微软希望借此打击"谷歌云端硬盘"(Google Drive)等Office的挑战者,谷歌云端硬盘允许用户在线创建和存储文件,多人共享文件并进行协作编辑。

此外,Office 365提供一个一体化的在线个人中心,让用户管理自己的账户,显示在哪些设备安装了Office,便于在那些闲置电脑上一键解除Office授权,或彻底中止订阅服务。即使停止订阅,用户依然可以下载云端文件。

It's also more closely tied to the cloud, saving documents to Microsoft's SkyDrive storagesystem by default, so your documents and personal settings are remotely accessible. With that, Microsoft aims to stave off Office challengers like Google Drive, which gives people a way to create and store documents online, as well as share documents and edit with multiple people.

除了这些广义层面上的变化之外,Office 365在应用程序方面也有很大改变,组件包括Word、PowerPoint、Excel、Outlook、OneNote、Publisher和Access。Office 365不但让以往在菜单功能中埋藏太深而很少被使用的一些功能走上前台,还增加了许多新的功能,其中一些专门用于触摸屏和使用Windows 8操作系统(围绕触摸功能设计)的新设备。微软也更新了Office 免费网络版(Office Web Apps),这些简化版的程序让用户可以通过互联网浏览器对在线存储文件进行免费编辑。

我测试了Office 365家庭高级版(Office 365 Home Premium),每年的订阅费为99美元,能在多达五台电脑上安装使用,包括Windows 7电脑、Windows 8电脑以及运行苹果OS X 操作系统10.5.8版本以上的电脑。Office 365大学生版(Office 365 University)的四年订阅费为80美元,专门针对在校大学生和教职员工,能安装在两台PC电脑或苹果电脑上。Office 365 小企业高级版(Office 365 Small Business Premium)可以在最多五台PC电脑或苹果电脑上安装,每年的订阅费为150美元。

What's more, Office 365 gives people a centralized spot online where they can manage their account, showing them where they have Office installed so they can deactivate unused computers with one click or completely cancel subscriptions. And files are still accessible to download even if subscriptions expire.

传统的非订阅方式Office版本可以一次性购买:Office 2013家庭和学生版(Office Home and Student 2013)的价格为140美元,Office 2013家庭和企业版(Office Home and Business 2013)为220美元,Office 2013专业版(Office Professional 2013)为400美元。

以上这几款Office套装依然会定期接收到安全补丁,并只能安装在一台机器上。软件升级时,要求重新安装整个新版本。与Office 365一样,这几个Office版本现在也能将文件默认存储在云端的SkyDrive上。

Along with these broader features, there are significant changes to Office 365's programs, which include Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, OneNote, Publisher and Access. It does a nice job of bringing to the surface some features that were too far buried in menus for people to use. It also packs in many new features, some of which were made for touch screens and new devices designed to run the touch-centric Windows 8. And Microsoft has updated its Office Web Apps, stripped-down programs that offer free editing via a Web browser of files stored online.

我在两个设备上安装了Office 365家庭高级版:一台是三星ATIV Smart PC Pro 700T,使用触摸屏和Windows 8 Pro操作系统;一台是苹果MacBook Pro,运行OS X操作系统10.8.2版本。

此外,我在未安装Office 365的电脑上使用微软网络版Office编辑文件,并在一台Windows Phone手机上安装了Office 365,远程访问和编辑云端文件。

I tested Office 365 Home Premium, which costs $99 a year and can be installed on up to five computers, including Windows 7 and Windows 8 PCs as well as Macs running Apple's OS X version 10.5.8 or later. Office 365 University, which costs $80 for a four-year subscription, is available for college students, faculty and staff, and can be used on two PCs or Macs. Office 365 Small Business Premium works on five PCs or Macs and costs $150 per year.

在Windows 8电脑上安装Office 365时,我使用微软公司提供的一个产品上市前测试密钥,不然你就得上Office.com购买订阅服务以获得产品密钥。(微软提供30天的免费试用。)

在Windows 8电脑安装Office 365的过程耗时20分钟左右,有一个安装指南在每个关键步骤为我进行引导。比如有个问题问我:"你希望自己Office的外观是什么样的?"我点选了好几个皮肤,并选择了一个好像很多戒指挂在树桩上的背景图案。

Traditional, non-subscription versions of Office are available for one-time fees, including Office Home and Student 2013 ($140), Office Home and Business 2013 ($220) and Office Professional 2013 ($400).

在苹果电脑上安装Office 365时,我只需登录office.com/myaccount,选择进入已有订阅账户,输入用户名和密码。安装过程大约耗时30分钟,然后我就看到了熟悉的树桩和戒指自定义背景。苹果电脑上的Office版本为Mac 2011,因为苹果Office最新版本的推出一般要晚于Windows版Office。

对出现电脑死机且身边带着Office安装光盘的用户来说,"我的账户"(My Account)在线页面很有用。如今,只要在"我的账户"中进行一步操作,就能解除任何一台PC电脑上的Office授权,或在一台新的PC电脑上激活Office。

These new suites still receive security patches, as they always have, and can only be installed on one machine. Upgrades require installing whole new versions. Like Office 365, these versions of Office also now save to SkyDrive by default, tying them into the cloud.

对于Office 365的云端结构,用户需要一个适应过程,但也可以依旧把文档保存在PC电脑上。在Word程序中,我在未连接互联网的状态下打开一个文件,屏幕会弹出一个提示,提醒我这个文件是离线版本,还告诉我该文件上一次保存和上传云端的时间。

每个Office 365账户都配有20G免费存储空间,且所有SkyDrive用户都有7G空间,因此Office 365用户总共能获得27G的免费存储空间。

I installed Office 365 Home Premium on two devices: a Samsung ATIV Smart PC Pro 700T, which had a touch screen and was running Windows 8 Pro, and a MacBook Pro, which was running OS X version 10.8.2.

我喜欢Office 365中新增的一些触摸功能,如Outlook收件箱界面的右上端有五个小方块,轻触后就能快速整理收件箱。这些小图标还能启动回复、移动、删除、标注未读和标记功能。

我用新版Word写了这篇专栏文章,自动保存到SkyDrive上,并在其他电脑和Windows Phone手机上轻松打开和编辑文件。

I also used Microsoft Web Apps to look at and edit documents on computers that didn't have Office 365 installed. And I set up Office 365 on a Windows Phone to access and edit documents on the go.


我感觉Office 365是为互联网时代应运而生的,并为使用多个设备(如台式机、笔记本电脑、平板电脑和智能手机)的用户量身定制。如果潜在用户能够接受Office 365新的订阅付费模式,微软公司应该又能创造出一个新时代的赚钱机器。

To install on the Windows 8 PC, I used a product key given to me by Microsoft for pre-release testing; otherwise you would have to go to Office.com to buy a subscription and get a product key. (A free 30-day trial is available.)

Katherine Boehret

The Windows 8 PC installation took about 20 minutes, and a helpful introduction walked me through key points of Office 365. One screen asked me, 'How would you like your Office to look?' And I scrolled through a handful of patterns and chose a background that looked like rings on a tree stump.

When I installed Office 365 on the Mac, I just went online to office.com/myaccount, selected an option to sign into an existing subscription and entered my username and password. The download on the Mac took about 30 minutes and then I saw on my Mac the familiar tree-ring background. The version was Office: Mac 2011 because the new Office for Mac typically ships after the new Office for Windows.

The My Account Web page is a big plus for people who have had computers die and take copies of Office with them. Now, in one step on My Account, any PC can be deactivated and a new PC can be activated.

The cloud-based structure of Office 365 takes some adjustment, but users can still save files to the PC. In Word, when I wasn't connected to the Internet and opened a document, I saw a notification reminding me that the version of the document I was reading was an offline copy. This notification also told me when the document was last updated and saved online.

Each Office 365 account comes with 20 gigabytes of free storage, but all SkyDrive users get seven gigabytes each, so a person using Office 365 could potentially have 27 gigabytes of storage.

I enjoyed using new touch features, like five small squares on the far right of the Inbox screen in Outlook that made it a cinch to quickly sort through my inbox. These small icons enabled replying, moving, deleting, marking as unread and flagging for follow-up.

I wrote this column in the new version of Word, automatically saving it to SkyDrive and easily opening and editing it on other computers and a Windows Phone.

Excel spreadsheets are now smarter than ever thanks to auto-fill features. I tested one that felt like it was reading my mind as it filled in names of people who had appeared in an earlier column because it detected the same name pattern. PowerPoint presentations now include special CliffsNotes, like tools that only the presenter can see.

Office 365 feels grown up and ready for the fast pace of the Web. It's custom-made for people who use many devices, including desktop PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones. If potential users can wrap their brains around its new subscription system, Microsoft has a winningprogram on its hands.

Katherine Boehret