
In another small step toward transparency in its supply chain Apple Inc. listed for the first time the details of its final assembly facilities ΰ including the companies that run the plants, where they are located and what products they put together.

为苹果(Apple Inc.)在提高其供应链的透明度方面迈出的又一小步,该公司首次提供了有关其最终产品组装厂的详细情况,包括这些组装厂是由哪些公司经营的、位于何处以及都负责组装什么产品。

Apple broke its long silence on its suppliers last year amidstpressure from labor groups after a number of accidents and suicides at assembler Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., publishing a list (PDF) of the companies that supply it with everything from casings to the glass for its products.

去年迫于劳工组织的压力,苹果终于打破沉默介绍了有关其供应商的一些情况,公布了一份其供应商的名单,这些厂家向苹果提供从产品外壳到产品所用玻璃等诸多产品。苹果公布这份名单之前,在苹果供应商鸿海精密(Hon Hai Precision Industry Co.)的组装厂发生了一系列意外事故和员工自杀事件。

This year
