
More and more, our smartphones and tablets help us link the physical world with the online world. One example: QR codes, those bar codes that have become common in advertising, marketing and retailing. With a click of your smartphone camera, they link you to online information, deals or services related to the product or promotion they appear on.


位于德国开姆尼茨的科技公司Printechnologics GmbH以其让连接变得更简单的技术,成为今年《华尔街日报》创新奖(Innovation Awards)技术类的金奖得主。

Printechnologics GmbH of Chemnitz, Germany, is the Gold winner in this year's Wall Street Journal Technology Innovation Awards for technology that makes that kind of connection even simpler.



The technology, called Touchcode, enables publishers, consumer-product companies, event promoters and others to include invisible codes on printed items that can be read instantly on any device with a touch screen. The codes can link to videos, games, recipes or just about any other online feature; a concert ticket printed with Touchcode could take you to a clip of the performer singing, for instance.

英国初创公司Neul首席技术长、《华尔街日报》创新奖评委韦伯(William Webb)说,这种技术看起来确实新颍,比使用摄像头要简单多了。


The technology has a couple of advantages over QR codes, chiefly its simplicity. A user only needs to place the printed item on the screen of a tablet or smartphone -- or place the screen on the item -- and the invisible code immediately connects to the online content. No need to summon your device's camera and snap a shot of a bar code.


Touchcode也比射频识别码(RFID)便宜。(射频识别码被用于某些同二维码一样的用途。)Printechnologics创始人兼首席执行长福格特(Sascha Voigt)说,我们将自己定位于昂贵的射频芯片和二维码之间。

'It does look very novel,' says William Webb, chief technology officer of the U.K. start-up Neul and an Innovation Awards judge. 'Much simpler than using a camera.'


这一技术在去年推出,Printechnologics已经开始提供授权。德国传媒公司Axel Springer AG最近在随同该公司旗下《星期日世界报》(Welt am Sonntag)发行的《Icon》杂志中插入了一张Touchcode卡。用户可以通过这张卡片免费下载这份杂志的最新一期iPad版。

Touchcode -- which also took the top spot in the Innovation Awards' Wireless category -- has another edge over QR codes: security. For one thing, the black-and-white patterns of a QR code are easy to reproduce by photocopying, which can be a problem for codes that are used to make payments -- for instance, a technology similar to QR codes is used on train tickets in Germany, so ID is required to prevent fraud. Since Touchcodes are invisible, that's not an issue for them.

Agilent Technologies首席技术长、《华尔街日报》创新奖评委所罗门(Darlene J.S. Solomon)说,虽然不清楚企业在印刷材料中使用Touchcode技术有多容易,但这种技术有可能真正带来变化。

Stephan Dorner

Also, QR codes can be used by scammers to direct you to websites that will plant malicious software on your mobile device -- what seems to be a discount voucher from a well-known brand, for instance, can lead the user into trouble. Touchcode foils that kind of attack because all the content that it links users to sits on Printechnologics servers, so users can't be misdirected on the Web.

Touchcode also is cheaper than radio frequency identification, or RFID, codes, which are used for some of the same purposes as QR codes. 'We are positioning ourselves between pricey RFID chips and QR codes,' says Sascha Voigt, Printechnologics' founder and chief executive.

Printechnologics, which specializes in printed electronic circuitry, developed an earlier version of the technology that required a special reading device. To create Touchcode, it devised a way to print codes using a material that can be recognized by multitouch screens much in the same way that the screens can be triggered by human fingers.

The company has begun licensing the technology, which it introduced last year. German media company Axel Springer AG recently inserted a Touchcode card in the Icon magazine that is distributed with the publisher's Sunday newspaper, Welt am Sonntag. The card allowed users to download the latest iPad version of the magazine at no cost.

Darlene J.S. Solomon, chief technology officer at Agilent Technologies and an Innovation Awards judge, says that while it isn't clear how easy it is for companies to use Touchcode technology for their printed materials, 'we thought this could really move the needle.'

Stephan Dorner