

一家公司若称为a going concern,是指该公司运作正常,并将继续正常经营下去,在可预见的未来并无破产清盘的危险。持续经营是正常会计作业上的一项基本假设,因为公司能否维持正常运作对其资产的价值有重大影响。 一般来说,公司作为一家持续经营企业的价值,要高于将资产个别拍卖的清盘值(liquidation value),因为持续经营时的无形资产(--如商誉及品牌),在公司清盘时很可能会变得一文不值,而有形资产亦未必可以卖得好价钱。

Going Concern的英文解释

An accounting convention that presumes a company will continue to exist and trade normally. It allows accountants to value assets at their historic, or purchase cost, rather than at the lower level that would be achieved if the company was broken up.

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