

在多国中央银行及国际清算银行(BIS)的支持下,由主要外汇交易银行成立的一家银行,旨在提供全球外汇交易结算服务。 CLS是英文Continuous Linked Settlement的缩写,其成立旨在消除跨国货币结算风险(Herstatt Risk),即外汇交易的海外对手未能履约的风险。 网址:www.cls-services.com

CLS Bank的英文解释

A bank set up by leading trading banks, with the support of central banks and the BIS (Bank for International Settlements), to settle foreign exchange transactions on a global basis. CLS, or Continuous Linked Settlement, is designed to remove the Herstatt Risk of default by one party in a foreign exchange deal.

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