
It was just me and Emily snuggling on the couch one winter weekend evening last year. She was recalling the snow slide her father used to make whenever he shoveled the back deck when we lived in Colorado. The slide connected the railing to a hill below the deck, and his track would curve when it approached the back fence to give the girls a pretty long ride.


It set her off on a long series of reminiscences about our life there. From the baby deer who was shorter than the lowest fence rail, to waiting at the school bus stop, to her dad making cocoa by heating milk on top of the wooden stove, to 16-foot Christmas trees. She was speakingsoftly but steadily. I was dissolved in tears, completely unstrung by how vividly she brought back all we left behind two years ago when a new job in New York City changed our family's settled path.




A lot of us have working-parent guilt. The time we spend away from our kids because our jobs are so demanding. The calls we take during dinner. The vacation that isn't really. The career moves we make that upend our kids' lives.


For whatever reason (cultural? genetic?), this kind of guilt seems to run most deeply in women. I'm sure men feel it, too, and maybe they just don't talk about it as much. But for a lot of women I talk to, the guilt is relentless
