


Section A:

1. native language 2. 350 3. Historical 4. India 5. commerce 6. Boom 7. sea travel communication 8. conference 9. many radios 10. split

Section B: 1-5 C A D B C Section C: 6-10 B B A D D

【阅读】11-15 CDACC 16-20 ADBAA

21-25 BCCAA 26-30 BCBDC

【人文知识】31-40. CDDDB CADBC



2. have (去掉)

3. a改为their

4. at the time 后加 when

5. by改为with

6. those改为that

7. on 去掉

8. At改为In

9. carrying 后加on

10. now改为ago


汉译英 In fact, I think everyone has a small garden and that is our inner world. People's intelligence needs to be developed, so does the inner world. The difference between people and animals, in addition to the many well-known, is also in the inner world. The heart is an important organ, however, the inner world is a landscape. It gradually took shape under the constant influence of the outside world on the heart. Everyone is so concerned about the health of the hearts of their lovedones as well as his that a slight disease would cause great anxiety. But not everyone is concerned about the inner world of themselves and their lovedones.

英译汉 但是正如其他许多已经发生过的事情一样,当他们最终结婚后,发现最憧憬的生活变得再实际不过了。他们非但没有分担各自原 先的责任---正如那些学生们所说"一半一半",相反却发现生活的重担加倍了。这使得我们那两个结婚的朋友时常觉得沮丧;他们突然发 现自己并没有过着天堂般的生活而是仍实实在在地生活在地球上,而且成为了新规则和新约束的奴隶。他们不但没有比以前更加自由和幸福 反而承担了新的责任;他们建立了新的家庭所以必须用某种方式履行义务。他们深情地回想起订婚的那段时光,曾经如此地渴望拥有彼此而 忘掉这个世界,然而现在最深切的感受却是自己仍是这个世界的一份子。

作文题目: What I have learned form my years at university?(略)

文章标签:专八  专八考试  
