
Global Stock Rally Is Strongest Since 1991


Stock markets around the world shrugged off some of the worst economic data in decades and the bankruptcy filing of a top U.S. auto maker to post their biggest monthly jump in nearly two decades, capping a dramatic seven-week rebound.

Markets built on gains as investors bought into the belief that stocks touched a bottom in early March. Investors fixed on signs that the global economy wasn't shrinking as quickly as it once was and that the financial system was no longer tottering.

The Dow Jones World Index jumped 12% in dollar terms in April, its largest monthly jump since its inception in 1991.

In the U.S., the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 17.61 points, or 0.2%, to 8168.12 on Thursday, but ended up 7.4% in April for the best two months since the start of the last bull market in 2002. The Standard & Poor's 500-stock index, up 9.4% for the month, had its best April since 1938.

'There comes a point where people feel more and more compelled to put money to work, and the fear of missing a recovery grows pretty rapidly,' says Jonathan Passmore, a portfolio manager at GE Asset Management who helps oversee $7.5 billion in international stocks. At the same time, 'The higher the market goes, the more challenging it becomes to sustain the recovery.'

U.S. junk bonds, meanwhile, returned a record 9.7% in April through Wednesday, according to Merrill Lynch & Co. data, a sign that investors are willing to take on more risk.

Joanna Slater / Neil Shah





美国道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数周四下跌17.61点,收于8168.12点,跌幅0.2%;但4月份整体上涨7.4%。道琼斯指数这两个月创下了2002年上次牛市开始以来的最佳表现。标准普尔500指数4月份上涨9.4% ,涨幅创下了1938年以来历年4月份之最。

通用电气资产管理公司(GE Asset Management)投资组合经理巴斯莫(Jonathan Passmore)说,人们的投资情绪来到了拐点,大家越来越忍不住进行投资,对错过经济复苏的担忧情绪迅速增长。与此同时,市场涨的越高,要维持升势就越发困难。巴斯莫协助管理着75亿美元的国际股市投资。

同时,美林公司(Merrill Lynch)的数据显示,截至周三美国垃圾债券在4月份创下了9.7%的回报率纪录;这表明投资者正愿意承受更多风险。

Joanna Slater / Neil Shah

  • bankruptcy [´bæŋkrʌptsi] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.破产 四级词汇