
What do heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, stroke and cancer have in common? Scientists have linked each of these to a condition known as chronic inflammation, and they are studying how high-fat foods and excess body weight may increase the risk for fatal disorders.

心脏病、糖尿病、老年痴呆、中风和癌症有什么共同之处?科学家发现,这些病症都与所谓的"慢性炎症"(chronic inflammation)存在关联,科学家正在研究高脂肪食物及体重过胖可能导致严重失调症患病风险加大的原因所在。


Inflammation is the body's natural response to injury and outside irritants. But when the irritants don't let up, because of a diet of high-fat foods, too much body fat and smoking, for example, the immune system can spiral out of control and increase the risk for disease. Experts say when inflammation becomes chronic it can damage heart valves and brain cells, trigger strokes, and promoteresistance to insulin, which leads to diabetes. It also is associated with the development of cancer.



Much of the research on chronic inflammation has focused on fighting it with drugs, such as cholesterol-lowering statins for heart disease. A growing body of research is revealing how abdominal fat and an unhealthy diet can lead to inflammation. Some scientists are investigating how certain components in foods might help. Dietary fiber from whole grains, for instance, may play a protective role against inflammation, a recent study found. And dairy foods may help ease inflammation in patients with a combination of risk factors.

美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)国家补充及替代医学中心(National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine)的项目主管温迪·韦伯(Wendy Weber)说,"当人体组织受损时,免疫系统对其进行修复,就会体现为炎症。但人体系统不能存在太多的炎症,否则会对动脉和其他组织造成损伤。"

最近的一项重大研究成果显示,肥胖症容易引发炎症。长期以来,人们一直以为脂肪细胞,尤其是腹部及附近内脏上的脂肪细胞,只会导致人体肥胖而已。但事实上,波士顿的布里格姆与妇女医院(Brigham and Women's Hospital)心血管部主任、哈佛医学院(Harvard Medical School)教授彼得·利比(Peter Libby)表示,脂肪细胞就像一些小型工厂,不断生产出一种叫做"细胞因子"的分子,从而引发炎症。

Chronic inflammation is perhaps best understood in its relation to cardiovascular disease. The immune system's white blood cells rush to the arteries when the blood vessels are besieged by low density lipoprotein, or LDL -- the 'bad' cholesterol. The cells embed themselves in the artery wall and gobble up the invading cholesterol, causing damage to the arteries that can lead to heart attack or stroke.


人体有一种物质叫做C反应蛋白,通过简单的血检就能查出来,它可以作为体内炎症的指标之一。2007年《内科学文献》(Archives of Internal Medicine)发表了一篇报告,对33项不同研究的具体成果进行分析,发现减肥能够降低C反应蛋白的水平。在参与测试的人当中,无论是通过节食、锻炼还是手术,每减去一公斤(2.2磅)体重,每千毫升血液中的C反应蛋白平均会减少0.13毫克。

'You need to have inflammation when you have a wound and the immune system goes in to heal it. Yet we don't want too much inflammation in our system causing damage to our arteries' and other harm, says Wendy Weber, a programdirector at the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, part of the National Institutes of Health.

据美国心脏协会(American Heart Association)的数据,每千毫升血液中C反应蛋白的含量小于一毫克时,人体患心血管疾病的几率较低,在一到三毫克之间属中等风险,大于三毫克则患心血管疾病的风险较高。越来越多的医生建议C反应蛋白含量处于中等水平的病人定期检查是否患有心脏病。

2012年7月中旬,在加拿大魁北克市(Quebec City)举行的一个关于腹部肥胖及其健康风险的研讨会上,心脏病学、内分泌学、营养学以及相关学科的专家展现了一系列最新的研究成果,证明肥胖与炎症相关疾病存在关联性。

One significant discovery concerns obesity and the ways it promotes inflammation. Fat cells, particularly those in the visceral fat that settles in the belly and around organs, were long thought merely to store excess weight. Instead, fat cells act like small factories to churn out molecules known as cytokines, which set inflammation in motion, says Peter Libby, chief of the division of cardiovascular medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston and a professor at Harvard Medical School.

不少营养学家和内科医生都研究出了一些抗炎症的饮食方法。哈佛大学(Harvard University)医学教授克里斯托弗·凯农(Christopher Cannon)与人合着了《抗炎症饮食傻瓜指南全书》(The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Anti-Inflammation Diet)。凯农博士说,他推荐的饮食方式参照了地中海地区饮食结构以及哈佛大学研发的"健康饮食金字塔"(Healthy Eating Pyramid)。这种饮食方式建议人们吃全麦类食物,摄入不饱和脂肪,如植物油、水果、蔬菜、坚果、鱼类、家禽、蛋类和一定量的奶制品,还建议尽可能少吃红肉、黄油、甜食以及米饭、土豆和通心粉等白色食物。


'We've learned that abdominal fat tissue is a hotbed of inflammation that pours out all kinds of inflammatory molecules,' Dr. Libby says. The most important step patients can take is to lose excess weight, which can reduce inflammation in a matter of weeks or months, he says.


由范德比尔特大学(Vanderbilt University)的研究人员开展的其中一项研究关注的是欧米伽3脂肪酸能否降低直肠癌的患病风险,并抑制炎症分子的产生。主要研究者哈维·莫夫(Harvey Murff)说,很多美国人摄入了过多的欧米伽6脂肪酸,该研究的目的之一就是确定欧米伽3和欧米伽6之间一个平衡的摄入比例。

A substance known as C-reactive protein, measured with a simple blood test, is an indicator of inflammation in the body. A report published in Archives of Internal Medicine in 2007, which analyzed results of 33 separate studies, found that losing weight can lower C-reactive protein levels. For each one kilogram, or 2.2 pounds, of weight loss, whether by dieting, exercise or surgery, the mean reduction in C-reactive protein among participants was 0.13 milligram per liter.

《临床内分泌学和代谢杂志》(Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism)上发表的一项针对近600名青少年的研究的报告显示,加大对膳食纤维的摄入有助于降低体内的C反应蛋白水平以及血液中其他一些显示炎症存在的指标。该报告的作者之一诺曼·波洛克(Norman Pollock)是佐治亚健康科学大学(Georgia Health Sciences University)的研究人员,他说这种关联性可能是因为膳食纤维有助于提高体内的蛋白激素水平,从而促进身体对胰岛素的敏感性,对炎症起到缓解作用。

奶制品中的一些营养物质也可能有助于缓解病人的炎症,降低心脏病、中风和糖尿病的患病风险。2011年在《美国临床营养学杂志》(American Journal of Clinical Nutrition)发表的一项针对40名病人的研究的报告显示,病人在12周的时间里每天摄入三份半的奶制品后,血液中的几项炎症指标比每天只摄入半份奶制品的另一组病人低,血压也更低一些。该报告的作者之一迈克尔·赞米尔(Michael Zemel)是田纳西大学(University of Tennessee)营养学系的名誉教授,他说每天摄入三份含有乳清或其营养成分的奶制品有助于防止炎症发生。他推荐的奶制品是低脂牛奶和酸奶。

According to the American Heart Association, a C-reactive protein level of less than 1 mg/L indicates a low risk of cardiovascular disease, 1 to 3 mg/L indicates moderate risk, and greater than 3 mg/L equals high risk. Doctors increasingly are ordering the test for patients at moderate risk for heart disease.


美国国家癌症研究所(National Cancer Institute)营养科学研究组(Nutritional Science Research Group)的项目主管杨·金姆(Young S. Kim)说,"癌症是很多因素综合导致的结果,而炎症是其中之一。如果能抑制炎症的发生,这将对预防癌症起到极大的作用。"

At a meeting in Quebec City last week on abdominal obesity and its health risks, experts in cardiology, endocrinology, nutrition and related specialties presented a wide range of new research linking obesity to inflammation-related diseases.

Laura Landro