
Are you easily provoked? Wish you had a strategy to remain cool, calm and collected when someone makes you angry?



New research says you should try this: Pretend you're viewing the irritating situation from a distance, rather than actively participating in it.

俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University)和密歇根大学(University of Michigan)的研究员所做的这项研究表明,这种被称为"自我疏离"(self-distancing)的方法有助于将人们在被激怒时的愤怒和攻击性降到最低。研究还表明,这种方法学起来很快,而且能在人们最有可能表现出攻击性的关键时刻起作用。

俄亥俄州立大学传播学和心理学教授、该研究报告作者之一布什曼(Brad J. Bushman)说,人们不会自然地进行"自我疏离";当他们生气时,会很自然地沉迷于自己的情绪当中。他说,这会让攻击性的想法和愤怒的情绪活跃在脑子里,从而使人更有可能表现出攻击性。

The study, from researchers at The Ohio State University and the University of Michigan, shows that this strategy, called 'self-distancing,' can help minimize how angry and aggressive people become when someone aggravates them. It also shows that this technique can be learned quickly -- and can work in the heat of the moment, when people are most likely to act aggressively.

这项发表在《实验社会心理学杂志》(Journal of Experimental Social Psychology)网站上的研究结果是从两个相关的实验中得来的。

所有研究对象都被告知是参加一项音乐对创造性的影响的研究。研究人员要求他们尝试在七秒钟内解决很难的拆字重组字谜(重组单词中的英文字母组成"pandemonium"或"lieutenant"等单词),并通过对讲系统说出自己的答案。解字谜的同时大声播放着斯特拉文斯基(Igor Stravinsky)的《春之祭》(Rite of Spring)。

'People don't self-distance naturally; when they become angry, they naturally ruminate on it,' says Brad J. Bushman, a professor of communication and psychology at Ohio State and one of the study's co-authors. This, he says, 'keeps the aggressive thoughts and angry feelings active in your mind, which makes it more likely that you'll act aggressively.'



The findings, published online in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, were gathered from two related experiments.



All of the subjects were told that they were participating in a study of the effects of music on creativity. They were asked to try and solve difficult anagrams (rearranging letters to form words such as 'pandemonium' or 'lieutenant') in seven seconds with Igor Stravinsky's Rite of Spring playing loudly, and to announce their answers over an intercom.

布什曼博士说,最好的方法是抽身而出,把发生的场景当作 上的一只苍蝇来看。

Elizabeth Bernstein