
College is the best investment you can make, President Obama told students last month at the University of Colorado.

美国总统奥巴马(Obama)上个月在科罗拉多大学(University of Colorado)告诉学生,大学教育是你能做的最佳投资。

As a metaphor for the benefits of education, that statement is fine. But taken as a claim about the financial returns of a college degree, it poses two problems.


The first is that students and their families still lack sufficient data to estimate long-term returns for specific college degrees the way investors do with stocks and bonds.


The second problem is one of investment risk. Stock investors can manage risk by buying a diverse basket of shares, but a college student bets on a single asset: himself.


That makes it crucial that students and their families understand the factors that affect the risk and return of a college investment in order to swing the math in their favor.


College brings higher pay: $1,053 a week for the median bachelor's degree holder last year, versus $638 for a high school graduate with no college, says the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Last year's unemployment rate was 4.9% for college grads versus 9.4% for those with no college.

上大学能带来更高的收入:美国劳工统计局(U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)称,去年拥有学士学位的人收入中值为一周1,053美元,而没上过大学的高中毕业生为一周638美元。去年大学毕业生的失业率为4.9%,而没上过大学的人失业率为9.4%。

The College Board, a not-for-profit association, calculated in a 2010 report (based on 2008 data) that a typical student who enters a four-year college at age 18 and borrows his way through earns enough by age 33 to make up for his costs, including foregone wages and loan interest.

非营利组织美国大学理事会(College Board)在2010年的一份报告中(基于2008年数据)计算出,一个18岁入读四年制大学、并且大学阶段一直贷款的普通学生到33岁可以收回上大学的全部成本,包括因读大学而放弃的工资以及贷款利息。

If a bond paid for itself that quickly, the return would be between 5% and 6% a year. That's a handsome payoff; stocks have historically returned around 7% a year after inflation. And it says nothing of college's other benefits, such as enlightenment, fun and higher job satisfaction.


Two big caveats: The College Board math assumes everyone goes to a public college. Those usually cost less than private ones
