
As a businessman who founded and sold one technology company, then headed another, Frank Fawzi believed he could solve almost any problem. That was before he entered the IPO market, attempting to take his company public.

创办一家科技公司然后将它卖掉,接着又去创办下一家公司。作为这样一位商人,弗兰克•法齐(Frank Fawzi)相信他几乎能够解决任何问题。不过等他进入首次公开募股(IPO)市场、想让自己的公司上市时,情况就不一样了。

As he and other executives have learned on the IPO trail this year, the process isn't always easy--or successful--even in buoyant markets.


'IPOs are one of those things that are not in your control' after companies start marketing the stock to potential investors, says Mr. Fawzi, chief executive at IntelePeer Inc., a telecom-services provider based in San Mateo, Calif. 'CEOs think we can fix anything. This was the first time I felt that I couldn't fix something.'

身为电信服务提供商IntelePeer Inc.首席执行长的法齐说,在公司开始向潜在投资者推销自己的股票之后,IPO就不再是其掌控范围内的事了;CEO们以为自己能够解决任何问题;这是我第一次感到有些事情是我不能解决的。

With the pace of initial public offerings in the U.S. picking up in recent months, more companies are hoping for the iconic post-IPO bounce--and the riches that follow for their founders, investors and employees. The biggest so far this year is expected to be this week's up-to-$763 million offering by Carlyle Group L.P., which will likely be quickly eclipsed in coming months by the Facebook Inc. debut.

随着美国的IPO活动在近几个月加快步伐,越来越多的公司期盼着上市之后股价出现常有的开门红,然后公司的创始人、投资人和员工都一夜暴富。今年以来规模最大的IPO预计将由凯雷投资集团(Carlyle Group L.P.)在本周创造,它计划最高融资7.63亿美元。接下来几个月,凯雷这桩交易可能很快就会被Facebook Inc.的IPO超过。

But amid the pre-IPO excitement, companies also face the very real prospect that their coming-out parties will fall flat.


Six deals ended up getting postponed or withdrawn during March, even as pricing and performance for IPOs began improving. Seven more were pulled in April, with the companies again citing market-related reasons, according to Dealogic. The latest example was biofuel company Enerkem Inc., which withdrew its $138 million deal after attempting to price it throughout most of April.

3月份,就在IPO定价和表现开始改善之际,六宗上市计划遭到推迟或撤销。据Dealogic的数据,4月份又有七宗IPO被取消,相关公司给出的还是与市况有关的理由。最新例子是生物燃料公司Enerkem Inc.,该公司撤销了其1.38亿美元的IPO交易,此前它在4月份花了差不多一个月时间来给这桩交易定价。

In the last six years, the proportion of deals pulled compared with the number filed has fluctuated; it was as low as 21% in 2006 and 2007, when IPOs were thriving, but widened considerably in 2008, when the IPO market was barely functioning, says Dealogic.


The reasons deals don't work out are varied--and often not even related to the quality of the business.


'That unknowability of how a deal will turn out is unbelievably taxing,' says Sam Schwerin, a co-founder of venture capital firm Millennium Technology Value Partners.

风投公司Millennium Technology Value Partners的联合创始人施威林(Sam Schwerin)说,怎样才能实现上市的"不可知性"大得让人无法置信。

Mr. Fawzi, 50, and his fellow executives at IntelePeer endured a whirlwind two weeks in January, crossing the country from San Francisco to New York City to meet with large investors and host so-called roadshow meetings for 70 or more potential buyers at a time.


It wasn't uncommon for him to have seven meetings a day, telling the story of his company's business plan and financial performance. At first, the feedback seemed positive, said Mr. Fawzi. But toward the end of the first week, he sensed sentiment shifting. He heard concerns that the company's business story was complicated, it wasn't a consumer brand, and it wasn't profitable. What followed, he said, was 'the longest week of my life.'


'Once you've lost momentum, it's very hard to turn things around,' as word spreads through the investorcommunity that buyers aren't lining up, says Mr. Fawzi. He felt investors and the media didn't look closely enough at the company's financial statements. IntelePeer ultimatelywithdrew its IPO and Mr. Fawzi flew back to his home in Florida.


Meanwhile, just as IntelePeer's IPO plan was falling through, the roadshow for another tech deal-computer--security-software maker AVG Technologies NV--was in full swing. Chief Executive J.R. Smith, 47, was going through a blur of investor meetings; in one instance, he visited Milan, Frankfurt and London in a day.

而就在IntelePeer的上市计划夭折之际,另一家科技企业、计算机安全软件厂商AVG Technologies NV的巡回推介正在如火如荼地进行。该公司现年47岁的CEO史密斯(J.R. Smith)参加了数不清的投资者会议。有一次他在一天之内去了米兰、法兰克福和伦敦三个城市。AVG的总部位于荷兰阿姆斯特丹。

The shares for AVG, which is based in Amsterdam, were priced within the expected range on Feb. 1, and began trading the next day--only to flop, declining 19% on its debut.


'The biggest surprise for me was that we came out with a price of $16, and suddenly, when it started trading, the price became $13.50,' says Mr. Smith. 'What had changed? Weren't we the same company last night, when people were willing to buy it at $16?'


At least part of the responsibility when deals go wrong falls on the underwriters, who earn millions to advise companies on pricing, timing and selling deals to investors. The banks typically get a percentage of the offering.


Spokespeople for the lead underwriters on IntelePeer's deal, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., Deutsche Bank AG, and Barclays, declined to comment. Spokespeople for AVG's lead underwriters, Morgan Stanley, J.P. Morgan and Goldman Sachs Group Inc., also declined to comment.

负责IntelePeer上市的主承销商摩根大通(J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.)、德意志银行(Deutsche Bank AG)和巴克莱(Barclays)的发言人不予置评。负责AVG上市的主承销商摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)、摩根大通和高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)的发言人也不予置评。

Several bankers said that the IPO process is a cooperative effort between banks and company executives, with the companies having the last say on whether to accept a lower valuation or shelve the deal.


'It's ultimately correct that bankers are supposed to be bringing their capital market expertise to the table, on the one hand,' said Scott Rostan, a former Merrill Lynch investmentbanker and founder of Training the Street, which trains junior professionals at investment banks. 'But it's nearly impossible to time the market. If they could, then every deal would work.'

培训机构Training the Street的创始人、曾在美林(Merrill Lynch)任职的罗斯坦(Scott Rostan)说,从一方面来讲,投资银行家应该提供他们在资本市场的专业知识,这一点不容置疑;但想要完全跟上市的节奏则几乎是不可能的,否则每一笔交易都会成功。Training the Street培训的是有志投身于投资银行业的初级专业人士。

Messrs. Fawzi and Smith said they didn't blame their bankers for the way their deals ended.


The morning after the end of their respective roadshows couldn't have been more different for the two men. Mr. Fawzi said he spent a day at home thinking about why the IPO hadn't worked and what he and his company could do better.


'Candidly, on a business level, this was absolutely the worst setback I ever had in my career,' said Mr. Fawzi.


Mr. Smith rang the bell at the NYSE on the day AVG Technologies' stock launched. His 1.2 million shares, which are subject to a six-month lockup period in which he can't sell them, are today worth about $17.7 million. After the IPO, he says, he treated himself to a 1968 Gibson acoustic guitar and took his wife shopping.

史密斯则在AVG Technologies上市交易首日敲响了纽约证券交易所(NYSE)的开盘钟声。他所持有的120万股该公司股票如今的市值约为1,770万美元,这些股票有六个月的禁售期。史密斯说,公司上市之后,他给自己买了一把吉布森(Gibson)吉他,还带妻子去上街购物。

Lynn Cowan