
You're competing against colleagues in a horse race for a plum executive post. Everyone likes your work, so you expect to win.


You're wrong. It takes more than superior performance to cross the finish line nowadays, as corporate boards have increased their focus on management succession. At the same time, boards rarely divulge the additional requirements that executives must meet to land a senior spot.


'Most companies do a really bad job of communicating what people need to win,'' says John Beeson, a succession-planning consultant and author of 'The Unwritten Rules,'' a book about executive advancement. 'You usually are operating in the dark in a horse race.''

《不成文的规则》(The Unwritten Rules)一书的作者、企业继任计划顾问约翰•比森(John Beeson)认为,大多数企业在传达竞争者如要胜出需具备哪些因素方面做得很糟糕,你常常是蒙在鼓里参与竞争。《不成文的规则》这本书讲述了一些如何晋升到管理层的技巧。

It's such a mystery that recruiters Spencer Stuart even compiled a handbook for internal candidates. Many questions 'arise in the high-stakes dynamics of executive appointments,'' the 10-page document says. Nearly 20 companies have used the guide since 2009, estimates James M. Citrin, co-head of Spencer Stuart's CEO and board practice.

这其中涉及的问题错综复杂,高管寻聘顾问公司史宾沙(Spencer Stuart)甚至特为那些内部候选人编撰了一本指南。这份10页长的文件指出,许多问题"在高管任命的高风险动态变化中涌现。"据史宾沙负责首席执行长和董事会规则事务的联合主管詹姆斯•西特林(James M. Citrin)估计,自2009年以来,有近20家公司使用了这本指南。

Contests to pick the next chief executive are raging inside big businesses such as Ford Motor Co., Intel Corp., Pepsico Inc. and Walt Disney Co. Though a number of companies hire outsiders, moving up still represents the most common route to the top.

挑选首席执行长继任人选的纷争在一些大公司内部非常普遍,其中包括福特汽车(Ford Motor Co.)、英特尔(Intel Corp.)、百事(Pepsico Inc.)和迪斯尼(WaltDisney Co.)这样的大公司。尽管许多企业会聘用外部候选人,内部提拔依然是最常见的晋升方式。

I sought strategies for winning a horse race from executives who've run one
