


forum n.论坛,讨论会

fossil n.化石

foundation n.基础,根本;建立,创立;地基;基金会

fountain n.泉水,喷泉,源泉

fraction n.碎片,小部分,一点儿;分数

fracture n.裂缝(痕);骨折v.(使)断裂,(使)折断

fragment n.碎片,小部分,片断

fragrant a.香的

frame n.框架,骨架v.装框子

framework n.构架,框架,结构

frank a.坦白的,直率的

set free 释放

freight n.货物;客运;运费

frequency n.频率,周率

frequent a.时常发生的,频繁的

freshman n.新生,大学一年级学生

friction n.摩擦,摩擦力

make friends 交朋友,友好相处

be friends with 对......友好,与......交上朋友

fright n.恐怖

frighten v.使惊恐

Words:18 Phrases:3 Total: 21

Robert's father worked in a freight company. His mother was a housewife. The family never had friction. To afford to send their son to go to college, the couple spent only a fraction of their earnings. When he was only 3 years old, Robert knew 1/2 and 1/4 are fractions. And now Robert was a freshman at a big university. The foundation of the university took place over 100 years ago. It was famous for its ornate fountain and its attractive forum. The topic recently was the framework of dinosaur fossils. Robert found that several classmates were friends with him on the first day. To be frank, he wanted to make friends with them too. It was winter, but the air in the campus was fragrant because of winter sweets. Breathing it, Robert felt as if he was set free from a cage. Suddenly, he heard some cry, "Help!" It was from the lake. The ice of the lake fractured under the weight of the students skating on it. It was frequent in the winter. And one of them fell into the lake. The other students were frightened by this. Not only did Robert have a powerful frame, but also a warm heart. He dived into the lake. The student was saved but Roberts leg fractured in two places. When his mother heard of this, she dropped the vase on the floor, and it broke into fragments. In a sliver frame on the table, there was a photograph of her son. She was proud of her brave son but could not help crying.



to and fro 来来回回

frog n.蛙

frontier n.国境,边境;尖端,新领域

frost n.霜,霜冻,严寒

frown v.皱眉

frozen a.冷冻的

fruitful a.多产的;果实累累的,富有成效的

frustrate v.挫败,阻挠,使灰心

fry v.油煎,油炸

fuel n.燃料

fulfill/fulfil v.完成,履行

make fun of 取笑,嘲弄

function n.功能,作用;[pl.]职务,职责;函数v.起作用

fund n.资金,基金

fundamental a.基础的,基本的n.[pl.]基本,基本原理

funeral n.丧葬,葬礼

fur n.毛,毛皮

furious a.狂怒的,狂暴的,猛烈的

furnace n.炉子,熔炉

furnish v.供应,提供;装备,布置

furniture n.家具

further ad./a.更远,更往前;进一步v.促进,增进

furthermore ad.而且,此外

fuse n.保险丝,导火线,引信v.熔化,熔合

fuss n./v.忙乱,大惊小怪

make a fuss of 娇养(某人),过分关怀(某人)

Words:23 Phrases:3 Total:26

A frog and a squirrel were neighbors. There was a fundamental difference between the two of them. The squirrel was diligent while the frog was lazy. In autumn, the frog made fun of the squirrel's diligence. He said, "Don't make so much fuss over saving your food." The squirrel answered, "I only fulfill my obligation to build up a reserve fund. The main function of it is to help me to get through the winter. If you make a fuss of yourself in fruitful autumn, you will regret it in the cold winter." The frog frowned at her words and became furious. So he left without a goodbye. The winter came. The squirrel had no expensive furniture, but she had a furnace to keep her warm. Furthermore, she had a beautiful fur overcoat. Her house furnished everything that was needed for one's life. For example, the fuse-box was in the kitchen. Coal was used as fuel. Fried pine nuts were prepared for her dinner. On the contrary, the frog went to and fro on the frontier, looking for something edible. The ground was covered with frost. The terrible weather frustrated his hopes of finding food. He was too tired and hungry to walk any further.The next day, he was found dead, frozen. The squirrel attended the frog's funeral and felt very sorry for him.

  • fossil [´fɔsəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.老顽固 a.化石的 四级词汇
  • fracture [´fræktʃə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.&v.折断;骨折;挫伤 四级词汇
  • framework [´freimwə:k] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.骨架;计划;机构 六级词汇
  • frequency [´fri:kwənsi] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.频繁;周率 六级词汇
  • freshman [´freʃmən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.(大学)新生,新手 六级词汇
  • friction [´frikʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.摩擦(力);冲突 四级词汇
  • earnings [´ə:niŋz] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.收益;报酬;获得 六级词汇
  • edible [´edəbl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.可食的 n.食品 六级词汇

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