
It's barely February. You're probably not thinking much about Valentine's Day. But in a large loft office in Manhattan, a few dozen 20-somethings have been aflutter over hearts for weeks.


'I have had a lot of practice,' said designer Christina Song, who cut a perfect heart shape, freehand, out of delicate, gold handmade paper. She scanned it into the computersystem at Paperless Post, the online invitation company.

设计师克里斯蒂娜•宋(Christina Song)用一张精致的金色手工纸徒手剪出了一个完美的心形。她说,我已经练过很多次了。随后她将这个心形扫描进了在线寄送请柬公司Paperless Post的电脑系统。

Paperless Post is known for personalized digital invitations, usually sent by email, that create a paper-like experience. Now the company is expanding its offerings of cards pegged to Valentine's Day, the second-most important greeting-card occasion of the year, after Christmas. An estimated 150 million paper Valentine's Day cards were bought last year, according to the Greeting Card Association.

Paperless Post以制作堪比纸质感觉的个性化数字请柬而闻名,通常是通过电子邮件发送。目前该公司正在扩充其情人节卡片的数量,情人节是一年中第二重要的贺卡寄送节日,仅次于圣诞节。据美国贺卡协会(Greeting Card Association)统计,去年情人节纸质贺卡的购买量约为1.5亿张。

Delivered by email or through social network sites like Facebook and Twitter, Paperless Post's electronic invitations appear on the screen as an image of a paper envelope. Typeface can look as if it is letter-pressed or engraved. The card
