
Global markets are taking off, but emerging-market stocks remain far below last year's highs, and some investors are warming to their valuations.


The emerging-market bulls argue that cheap prices and healthy growth rates mean that companies in Asia and elsewhere have the potential for bigger gains in coming months, should the current breather in the euro crisis hold.


After Friday's jobs-inspired rally, the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index is now just 1.4% below its peak since the Lehman crisis, which was hit April 29. Outside the U.S., the MSCI Emerging Markets index was up 14% this year, but still 13% below its May 2011 post-crisis high. The MSCI EAFE, which measures developed markets outside North America, is up 8%, yet remains 15% below its May post-crisis high.

标准普尔500种股票指数(Standard & Poor's 500-stock)在上周五受就业数据影响上涨之后,目前比2011年4月29日达到的雷曼(Lehman)危机以来最高峰仅低1.4%。在美国以外,摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(MSCI Emerging Markets)今年上涨14%,但比2011年5月达到的危机后最高点仍低13%。衡量北美外发达市场的MSCI EAFE指数上涨了8%,但比2011年5月份达到的危机后最高仍低15%。

'It's nowhere near done. There's still a massive undervaluation' in stocks, says Bill Maldonado, chief investment officer for HSBC Global Asset Management in the Asia-Pacific region, which has about $80 billion of stocks and bonds under management. He has been sticking with the economically sensitive businesses, such as energy, industrial and consumer-spending-oriented companies, that were battered last year when fear the European crisis would worsen led investors to sell what he sees as fundamentally good stocks.

汇丰环球投资管理(HSBC Global Asset Management)亚太区首席投资长马尔多纳多(Bill Maldonado)说,反弹远未完成,股市仍被大幅低估。他的公司管理着大约800亿美元的股票和债券。马尔多纳多一直坚持投资那些对宏观经济敏感的企业,比如能源、工业和消费类企业。去年由于投资者担心欧洲危机加深,它们的股票受到沉重打击。马尔多纳多认为,这些股票的基本面是不错的。

Current valuations present a 'once-in-a-five- or 10-year opportunity' to buy Asian stocks in materials, energy and consumer goods, he says, adding that the level of expectations for company earnings, while ratcheted down from earlier forecasts, 'more than supports current valuations.'


Stocks in the fast-growing economies in Asia outside Japan are earning more per share than they did in 2008. Yet investors are valuing them at 12 times 10-year trailing earnings