
Over the past year, Marc Andreessen invested in a series of high-profile Web companies, including Facebook Inc., Twitter Inc. and Groupon Inc. Now the Silicon Valley venturecapitalist is hitting the pause button on such big-name deals.

过去一年,硅谷风险投资人安德森(Marc Andreessen)投资了一系列知名网络公司,其中有社交网站Facebook Inc.和Twitter Inc.以及团购网站Groupon Inc.等。如今,安德森对这类知名公司按下了"暂停键"。

Since participating in a $112 million funding of Web darling Airbnb Inc. in July that valued the online room-rental company at more than $1 billion, Mr. Andreessen said his venture-capital firm Andreessen Horowitz has 'taken a step back.'

安德森说,自去年7月参与在线房屋租赁公司Airbnb Inc.规模1.12亿美元的一轮融资以来,他的风投公司Andreessen Horowitz便"后退了一步"。那次融资对Airbnb公司的估值超过10亿美元。

With some deals for private companies 'definitely on the expensive side' amid a choppy stock market and concerns over a European debt crisis, Mr. Andreessen said he is looking to invest in fast-growing tech start-ups that aren't as well known and where 'pricing is still under control.'


Mr. Andreessen is the most visible of a group of venture capitalists dialing back on certain deals after a breathless year of venture investing that had some comparing 2011 to the late 1990s dot-com bubble. Many venture capitalists said they now are increasingly passing on companies seeking frothy valuations, and some are trying to get off the beaten path to find cheaper deals.


While there still is clamor to invest in the best-known and priciest start-ups