
At work,Melissa Lam, general manager and chief financial officer of language-training company English First, has been busy coordinating the firm's move to its quirky, Western-style China headquarters. The offices have meeting rooms shaped like birdcages and a beanstalk-like pole that punches through leaf-shaped holes to connect three floors.

公司,语言培训机构英孚教育(English First)总经理兼首席财务长梅利莎•兰姆(Melissa Lam)一直在忙着协调将公司中国总部搬迁到一栋形状怪异的西式办公楼里。那儿的会议室看上去像一个个鸟笼,一根豆茎状的柱子穿过树叶形状的孔洞将三层楼串联起来。

At home, Ms. Lam and her husband, Steven Bourne, tried to do the opposite, buying and renovating a traditional 'lilong' house that was built in 1936, when Shanghai's financial and artistic influence was at its peak.

在家里,兰姆和丈夫史蒂芬•伯恩(Steven Bourne)却反其道而行。他们买下并且装修了一栋建于1936年的传统"里弄"住宅,三十年代是上海的金融和艺术影响力处于巅峰的时期。

The couple's 2,798-square-foot, five-bedroom, three-bathroom house is modern on the inside