
The great words of the year? 'Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.'


They are the last words of Steve Jobs, reported by his sister, the novelist Mona Simpson, who was at his bedside. In her eulogy, a version of which was published in the New York Times, she spoke of how he looked at his children 'as if he couldn't unlock his gaze.' He'd said goodbye to her, told her of his sorrow that they wouldn't be able to be old together, 'that he was going to a better place.' In his final hours his breathing was deep, uneven, as if he were climbing.

这可是史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的临终之言。我们是听乔布斯弥留之际在病榻前陪伴他的莫娜•辛普森(Mona Simpson)说的。辛普森是乔布斯的妹妹,她是一位小说家。在辛普森所写的悼词中,她谈到乔布斯久久地凝视自己的孩子,就好像目光无法从他们身上转移开来一样。在这之前,他和辛普森道别,告诉她自己因无法和她一同慢慢变老而感到悲恸,并告诉她自己将去一个更好的地方。在乔布斯临终前的几个小时,他的呼吸深沉但不均匀,就好像他在爬上一样。辛普森写的这篇悼词发表在《纽约时报》(New York Times)上。

'Before embarking, he'd looked at his sister Patty, then for a long time at his children, then at his life's partner, Laurene, and then over their shoulders past them. Steve's final words were: 'OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW.''


The caps are Simpson's, and if she meant to impart a sense of wonder and mystery she succeeded. 'Oh wow' is not a bad way to express the bigness, power and force of life, and death. And of love, by which he was literally surrounded.


I wondered too, after reading the eulogy, if I was right to infer that Jobs saw something, and if so, what did he see? What happened there that he looked away from his family and expressed what sounds like awe? I thought of a story told by a friend, whose grown son had died, at home, in a hospice. The family was ringed around his bed. As Robert breathed his last an infant in the room let out a great baby laugh as if he saw something joyous, wonderful, and gestured toward the area above Robert's head. The infant's mother, startled, moved to shush him but my friend, her mother, said no, maybe he's just reacting to . . . something only babies see.


Anyway I sent Ms. Simpson's eulogy to a number of people and spoke to some of them, and they all had two things in common in terms of their reaction. They'd get a faraway look, and think. And if they had a thought to share they did it with modesty. No one said, 'I think I can guess what he saw,' 'I know who he saw,' or 'Believe me, if he saw anything it was the product of the last, disordered sparks of misfiring neurons.'


They were always modest, reflective. One just said, 'Wow.'


Modesty when contemplating death is a good thing.


When words leave people silent and thinking they are powerful words. Steve Jobs' last words were the best thing said in 2011.


