
专业四级在即,作为专四考试的第一个题型--听写,一直以来由于其要求细致,是考察基本功的题型,特别需要大家关注。不过如果知道了批分标准,就不会觉得无章可循。专四听写每篇中有十五个"小段",或者是句子或者是意群,每个"小段"分值为一分。中比较容易出现的错误有两类:一类是大错误 (major mistakes),每出现一次扣0.5分;另一类是小错误(minor mistakes),每次出现扣0.25分。如下举出历年真题中出错较多的句子加以分析,以求给大家练习的时侯多一份参考。

A. 小错误有如下三种类型:

1) One or two wrong spellings in one word. (单词拼写错一到二个字母。)

(1)October is usually the busiest month in the academic calendar. (2010)

October is usually the busiest month in the academiccalender.(-0.25

(2) They remain all their lives, square pegs in round holes. (2008)

They remain all their lifes, square pigs in round holes.(-0.5

2) Of punctuations and capitalization . (标点符号、大小写的错误)

(1) To solve this problem,the Chinese again came up with the solution. (2004)

To solve this problem the Chinese again came up with the solution.


(2) For many people in the west, New Year's Eve is the biggest party of

the year. (2009)

For many people in the west, new year's eve is the biggest party of the

year. (-0.75)

3) Of articles,singular-plural form(冠词,单复数错误):

It's a great opportunity to make new friends, join in lots of clubs and

settle into university life .(2010)

It's great opportunity to make new friends, join in lots of clubs and

settle into universitieslife. (-0.5)

• 小错误扣分标准:

1) 小错误在一节中出现一次,留作总计;出现两次,扣0.5分;出现三次, 扣0.5分后留一小错做总计;出现


2) 未扣分小错误的扣分标准: 累计2---4个:扣0.5分。 累计5---8个:扣1分。

B. 大错误有如下两种形式:

1) Missing, adding or changing words; more than two wrong spellings in one word (articles not included)漏写、加词、造词、换词(冠词作小错计)等。

2) Misuse of tenses.时态错误

(1) The Chinese used cloth and knives. (2004)

The Chinese use to cloth and knifes. (-1)

(2) Now paper notes are used throughout the world. (2004)

Now paper notes are used through out the world. (-0.5)

(3) Soon men dared to wear wrist watches without feeling self-conscious.


Soon men dare to wear wrist watches with out feeling self-conscious.



1) 大错误不累计、小错误累计。

2) 总分为0.5分时,以1分计算;其余总分中如含小数点的,小数舍去,保留整数。


3) 重复错误,仅扣一次。

4) 空白卷-律打0分。

文章标签:  专四  专四听写