
误译:A footballer who spits saliva at the referee will be suspended for one year.
正译:A footballer who spits at the referee will be suspended for one year.
解释:to spit 的意思是泛指 to force liquid out of your mouth,相当于"吐"或"唾"。
to spit 还特指to force saliva out of your mouth, often as a sign of anger or lack of respect,即"吐口水"。如同英语将"读书"说成to read,不必说成 to read a book 一样,"吐口水"说成 to spit即可,不一定说成 to spit saliva。
to spit 一般不指"吐痰",因为英美人认为吐痰是不雅行为,没有随地吐痰的陋习。英美人常常用to spit表示愤怒或不尊重。例如:
  1. 围观者们齐向这个小偷身上吐唾沫。The on-lookers all spat on the thief.
"口水"或"唾液",英语可以译为saliva, spit, spittle。例如:
  2. 痰来自肺部,并且通常很粘稠;而唾液来自口腔,是稀薄和水状的。Sputum comes from your lungs and is usually thick, while saliva comes from your mouth and is thin and watery.
"吐痰",可以译为 to spit phlegm, to spit sputum, to expectorate。如果to spit 与to cough 在同一语境中,就可以译为"吐痰"。例如:
  3. 这个老人咳嗽了一声,接着吐了一口痰。The old man coughed and spat.
"流口水",英语可以译为to slobber, to water。例如:
  4. 这个婴儿正在流口水,流遍整个围嘴。The baby was slobbering all over her bib.
"口水战",英语可以译为 war of words, verbal battle, spat。例如:
5. 这家公司的经理拒绝被拖进与另外一家公司经理的口水战。The manager of this company refused to be drawn into a war of words with his counterpart from another company.
