
ant tribe
ant tribe就是指"蚁族",指的是收入微薄,白天从事不稳定工作,晚上聚居于outskirt(市郊)的城乡结合部民房的北漂大学毕业生。他们和蚂蚁有许多类似的特点:高智、弱小、群居,因此被称为"蚁族"。
"Ant Tribe" is the typicalsummary of "inhabited by groups of low-income college graduates," highly educated, temporary work, and some even unemployed; average monthlyincome of less than two thousand dollars, the vast majority there is no "three risk" and labor contracts; average age of focus on 22-29 years old, Jiucheng are "80 after" generation.
与ant tribe不同,the NEET group(啃老族)不升学,不就业,终日无所事事。而有些已就业的年轻人,却变成了moonlight clan(月光族)或者the working poor(穷忙族)。为锻炼身体,一些上班族放弃了交通工具,加入walking commuters(走班族)的大军,但他们可不一定是cool carls(酷抠族,拥有高学历、较高收入,精打细算过日子的人群)。