
Microsoft researchers have developed the next generation of the Kinect motion sensor - a device which turns any flat surface into a touchscreen.
The experimental sensor tracks movements on anything from a human arm to a wall and makes it into a mobile computer.
In tests users have been able to punch in numbers into a keypad projected onto their hands and write on a virtual "notepad" on a table.
The researchers say it is the first step to one day doing away with the need to carry around a phone or a computer.
Instead users could have what they need projected in front of them and use any flat surface as a workspace.
The device, called OmniTouch, is a wearable camera / laser projectionsystem mounted on the user's shoulder and connected up to a computer.
It functions in a similar way to Kinect, the motion sensor gadget for the Xbox, in that the camera senses depth and movement.
This allows it to pick up when a user moves their finger in any direction or up and down.
Currently the camera and the laser are rather chunky but Microsoft and a team from the Carnegie Mellon University, which developed OmniTouch together, say it could one day be "the size of a matchbox and as easy to wear as a pendant or a watch",





