
Here's a pop quiz: What foods are best to eat before a high-stakes test? When is the best time to review the toughest material? A growing body of research on the best study techniques offers some answers.


Chiefly, testing yourself repeatedly before an exam teaches the brain to retrieve and apply knowledge from memory. The method is more effective than re-reading a textbook, says Jeffrey Karpicke, an assistant professor of psychological sciences at Purdue University. If you are facing a test on the digestive system, he says, practice explaining how it works from start to finish, rather than studying a list of its parts.

首先,在考试前反复测试自己,这样能够教会大脑从记忆中找回及运用知识。普渡大学(Purdue University)心理学助理教授杰弗里·卡匹克(Jeffrey Karpicke)说,这种方法比重读课本更有效。如果你正面临一次有关消化系统的考试,练习解释消化系统是如何工作的,胜于温习它的各个组成部分的名称。

In his junior year of high school in Cary, N.C., Keenan Harrell bought test-prep books and subjected himself to a 'relentless and repetitive' series of nearly 30 practice SAT college-entrance exams. 'I just took it over and over again, until it became almost aggravating,' he says.

北卡罗莱纳州卡里市(Cary)的基南·哈勒尔(Keenan Harrell)在高中最后一个学年买来准备考试的书籍,让自己蒙受了接近30个SAT大学入学考试系列练习的"残忍和重复"的折磨。他说:我一遍又一遍地做卷子,直到几乎对此生厌为止。

Practice paid off. Mr. Harrell, now 19, was accepted at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, a college he's dreamed of attending since the third grade. He scored 1800 (out of 2400) on the SAT, up 50% from 1200 on the PSAT, a preliminary test during his sophomore year.

这样的练习是有回报的,现年19岁的哈勒尔被北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)接收,这是一所他自小学三年级起就梦想着要上的大学,他的SAT考试得了1800分(满分2400分),比PSAT(高中二年级时的预考)的1200分的成绩提高了50%。

Taking pretests 'felt like hard work,' Mr. Harrell says, but seeing steady increases in his scores boosted his confidence. Practice tests also help with test-taking skills, such as pacing, says Paul Weeks, vice president of educational services for the ACT, which creates and administers college-entrance exams.

哈勒尔说,做预备测验感觉很辛苦,但是看到成绩的稳定提高鼓起他的信心。美国大学入学考试委员会(ACT)主管教育服务的副主席保罗·威克斯(Paul Weeks)说,考试练习还有助于提高考试技巧,例如节奏的控制。

Sleep also plays a role in test performance, but in two unexpected ways. Review the toughest material right before going to bed the night before the test. That approach makes it easier to recall the material later, says Dan Taylor, director of a sleep-and-health-research lab at the University of North Texas in Denton. And don't wake up earlier than usual to study; this could interfere with the rapid-eye-movement sleep that aids memory, he says.

睡眠对考试成绩也有影响,但是有两种意想不到的方式。北德克萨斯大学(登顿)(University of North Texas in Denton)的睡眠与健康研究实验室主任丹·泰勒(Dan Taylor)说,考试前一晚在上床前复习最难的内容,这种方法让人之后更容易回忆起这些内容。不要比平常更早起床学习,这么做会妨碍有助记忆的快速眼动睡眠。

A common study habit
