
So much for Google's new patent power.


A key reason for the search giant's $12.5 billion deal for Motorola Mobility was to get hold of the latter's huge intellectual-property portfolio. The idea was to protect mobile-device makers using Google's Android mobile operating system from the likes of Microsoft, Apple, Oracle and others claiming that Android violates their intellectual property.

搜索巨头谷歌斥资125亿美元收购摩托罗拉移动(Motorola Mobility)的一个主要原因是希望获得后者数量众多的知识产权。谷歌的想法是想保护使用谷歌安卓(Android)操作系统的移动设备生产商不受微软(Microsoft)、苹果(Apple)、甲骨文(Oracle)等宣称安卓侵犯了其知识产权的公司的"骚扰"。

But it didn't stop Samsung from striking a deal Wednesday to pay royalties on its Android devices to Microsoft. That appears to resolvepatent claims Microsoft has against Samsung's Android devices.


That is bad news for Google's mobile strategy as it means Android is no longer free. Google gives away the operating system to device makers because it wants the widest possible distribution. With 48% market share, Android took the top spot among smartphone operating systems globally in the second quarter, estimates Strategy Analytics. The hope is that will drive more mobile searches and give Google an advantage in delivering future mobile services.

这对谷歌的移动战略来说是个坏消息,因为这意味着安卓不再是免费的了。谷歌免费向设备生产商提供安卓操作系统,因为它希望安卓能够尽可能广泛地安装使用。据市场研究机构Strategy Analytics估计,今年二季度,安卓以48%的市场份额成为全球智能手机操作系统的领头羊。谷歌希望这能推动更多的移动搜索,使谷歌今后推出移动服务时占有优势。

But now that the top two Android device makers, Samsung and HTC, are paying royalties to Microsoft, it becomes harder for others to get away without paying -- and potentially easier for Apple and others to extract their own pound of flesh. In addition, it narrows the effective price gap with operating systems like Microsoft's Windows Phone.

不过,鉴于两大安卓设备生产商三星和宏达(HTC)都开始向微软支付版权费,其他公司将更难以享受免费系统,进而可能使苹果等公司面临的竞争压力减少。此外,这还缩小了安卓与微软Windows Phone等操作系统之间的实际价格差距。

Android partners likely want to diversify their device portfolios anyway. With Motorola Mobility in hand, Google becomes a rival device maker. Samsung will throw more resources behind developing Windows models, argues Neil Mawston of Strategy Analytics.

不管怎样,安卓合作伙伴都可能希望将设备所搭载的操作系统多样化。在拥有了摩托罗拉移动的情况下,谷歌将成为设备生产领域的一个竞争对手。Strategy Analytics的莫斯顿(Neil Mawston)说,三星将把更多的资源投入到开发搭载Windows的机型上。

Ultimately, handset makers will sell the devices consumers want to buy, and Android along with Apple's iOS are likely to remain the dominant mobile operating systems powering them.


But Microsoft has given Windows an opening.


Rolfe Winkler