
No one has been writing best-selling career-advice books longer than Richard Bolles, author of the 'What Color Is Your Parachute' series. (1975 was the only skipped year since the series was launched in 1970.)

以撰写求职指导畅销书而言,没有人比理查德•博尔斯(Richard Bolles)的资历更长。他是《你的降落伞是什么颜色的》(What Color Is Your Parachute)系列书籍的作者(自1970年开始,该系列丛书每年出版一本,只有1975年除外)。

The 40th anniversaryedition, released last month, sticks to the same core message, that every job search must start by identifying the skills you most enjoy using and figuring out where you want to use them. But it also offers new information on using social media and coping with stress and depression caused by a prolonged job search.


In a recent telephone interview with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Bolles reflected on changes in the job market and how looking for a job is different