
Managers concede that favoritism plays a big role in deciding who gets promoted, however few will admit to playing favorites.


According to a new report from Georgetown University's McDonough School of Business and research firm Penn Schoen Berland, the vast majority of business leaders say favoritism-defined in the survey as preferential treatment based on factors unrelated to a person's abilities, such as background, ideology or gut instincts-is a factor in how workers get promoted. The study was based on interviews with 303 senior business executives at U.S. companies with at least 1,000 employees. While 84% of those surveyed say favoritism takes place at their own organizations, just 23% acknowledged practicing it themselves, and 9% say it was a factor in determining their last promotion.

根据乔治敦大学(Georgetown University)麦克多诺商学院(McDonough School of Business)和调研机构Penn Schoen Berland的最新研究报告,绝大多数企业管理者认为,偏爱(在调查中被界定为基于与个人能力无关的因素的优待,如背景、理念或直觉等)在提拔员工时会起到作用。该研究访谈了303名雇员人数超过一千的美国公司的资深经营管理者,84%的受访者说,任人唯亲的事情在他们的公司有发生,只有23%的人承认自己有过任人唯亲的做法,9%的人表示在他们上一次提拔员工时个人偏爱是一个因素。

Even that 9% was higher than the report's author, Jonathan Gardner, had expected. 'No one at this level of executive was going to admit it blatantly,' he said. Mr. Gardner, chief operating officer at Penn Schoen Berland, conducted the study while completing an executive master's degree in leadership at McDonough.

即使只有9%,这个数字也高出了该研究报告的作者、Penn Schoen Berland的首席运营长乔纳森·加德纳(Jonathan Gardner)的预计。加德纳说:这种级别的管理者都不会对此直认不讳。加德纳在麦克多诺商学院就读行政领导学硕士课程,在完成学位论文期间开展了这项研究。

Nearly three-quarters of the survey respondents said there are procedures in place to ensure fairness in promotion decisions, such as having multiple people interview a candidate, and they do use other criteria like assessing job-related skills and a history of strong performance reviews. But they also listed a number of more subjective criteria, including trustworthiness and comfort working with an employeeand whether the candidate 'fits' into the corporate culture. More telling: Executives often limit their searches to a single candidate or have a preferred candidate before the application process even begins.


Playing favorites might benefit the newly promoted employee, but it could cause stresselsewhere, said Lamar Reinsch, a management professor at McDonough and Mr. Gardner's adviser on the paper. Mr. Reinsch said it is particularly detrimental at top levels of management, as staffers question the person's creditability and question the promotion process at large. Productivity and morale can suffer. 'They're now playing office politics instead of focusing on organizational objectives,' he said.

麦克多诺商学院的管理学教授、加德纳的论文导师拉马尔·赖因施(Lamar Reinsch)认为,任人唯亲可能让新提拔的雇员受益,但是在其他方面可能会导致压力。赖因施说,在提拔管理高层时这么做尤其有害,因为雇员们会质疑升职者的可信度和整个提拔过程,公司的生产力和士气会受影响。赖因施说:雇员们会因此把注意力集中于玩办公室政治,而不是实现企业的目标。