
Rolls-Royce is ringing in the Chinese new year early.


The British brand behind the famous Phantom says it's producing a line of limited-edition cars celebrating the upcoming year of the dragon.

这款汽车将在车子的侧板装饰手工绘制的金龙,在皮质头枕上有手工刺绣的龙形图案,在每一个车门槛板处都有"Year of the Dragon 2012"的字样,采用LED灯高亮显示。常规的幻影车型及幻影加长车型都会推出龙年限量版。幻影加长车是迎合中国人的需要而制造的大空间、由专职司机驾驶的一款车。

The cars will feature a hand-painted golden dragon on the side panels, hand-embroidered dragons on the leather headrests and illuminated tread plates along the door sills with 'Year of the Dragon 2012' highlighted in LED lighting. The dragonedition will be available in both the regular Phantom model and the extended wheelbase Phantom model. The latter was created to meet Chinese demand for roomier, chauffeur-driven cars.


Rolls-Royce has yet to set prices for the special-edition cars. China's luxury car buyers pay some of the highest prices in the world when it comes to fancy vehicles: A Rolls-Royce car starts at 6.6 million yuan ($990,000), more than 2.5 times the price in the U.S., due mostly to the high import taxes on luxury cars.


In 2010, China became the second-largest buyer of high-end car brands behind the U.S. and overtook the U.K. for the first time. The brand's highest-selling dealership last year was in Beijing, where it sold 223 cars alone, or about one out of every twelve purchased in the world.

最近几年,一些豪华汽车制造商专门为中国市场推出了特别限量版车。2010年,宝马公司(BMW)为了庆祝中国虎年推出M3 Tiger跑车。保时捷(Porsche)今年早些时候为庆祝进入中国市场十周年推出了限量版金色保时捷911。

In recent years, a number of luxury car makers have created special limitededitions exclusively for the Chinese market. In 2010, BMW launched the 'M3 Tiger' sports car in celebration of the Chinese Year of the Tiger.


Porsche celebrated its tenth anniversary in China earlier this year with a limitededition gold-colored Porsche 911.

麦肯锡公司(McKinsey)研究中国奢侈品领域的咨询顾问安宏宇(Yuval Atsmon)认为,富裕的中国消费者特别喜欢限量生产的高端商品。安宏宇说,我们在调查中看到,一个最大的动机是购买别人没有或者独一无二的东西,拥有可以保值或能够升值的东西。风险总会有一些,但是从汽车、手表到珠宝,每种奢侈品销售都越来越多地体现出这样的购物动机。中国消费者通过较为稀缺的东西寻求更多的价值。

Do these limitededition gimmicks work on the Chinese market? The gold Porsche reportedly sold out before the car was even released to the Chinese public (it had a limitedrelease of ten cars priced at almost US$550,000). The BMW M3 sold out as well.

阿斯顿•马丁One77(Aston Martin One77)便是一个典型,中国的富人们很乐意为其掏腰包:这种世界上最昂贵的汽车产量只有区区77部。该款车型今年4月在上海国际车展(Shanghai Auto Show)上在中国亮相,其英国制造商只分配了五部在中国销售。但是那些想在购买之前先在汽车展上看看这款车子的人失望了──五部汽车都在开展前就被预订了,挥金如土的巨富们为其付出了4700万元人民币的天价。

According to Yuval Atsmon, a consultant at McKinsey who focuses on the luxury sector in China, wealthy Chinese consumers are especially fond of limitededition runs of high-end goods.

Jason Chow