
There can now be little doubt that Apple shareholders, not to mention the company's legendarily loyal customers, have to prepare for a world without its driving force.


News that Steve Jobs has resigned as chief executive is surely something investors have been dreading since his January decision to go on medical leave. While he is staying on as chairman, Mr. Jobs' statement that the 'day has come' when he can 'no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple's CEO' can only confirm the worst fears about his health.

自从乔布斯(Steve Jobs)今年1月决定休病假以来,他辞去苹果首席执行长一事无疑是投资者一直害怕听到的消息。虽然乔布斯将继续担任苹果的董事长,但他在辞职声明里所说的"无法再履行苹果首席执行长的职责、满足大家期望"的一天"终于来了",只是证实了外界对其健康状况的最坏预期。

The challenge is assessing the long-term impact. While clearly Apple's momentum isn't likely to suffer in the near term
