
China's push for international accolades has brought it a top tennisplayer, countless Olympic golds and an economy that now ranks No. 2 in the world. Could the next trophy be from a beauty pageant?

The Wall Street Journal's Jo Piazza yesterday profiled Luo Zilin, the current Miss China and the country's Miss Universe entrant. Ms. Luo is 'training' in New York for the pageant, which takes place next month, learning the finer points of etiquette and small talk.


The training regimen is the brainchild of Yue-Sai Kan, a 61-year-old, Chinese-born, American television celebrity. She's been on several series that have aired on PBS, Discovery and China's CCTV network, created a line of beauty products targeted for Chinese women. She's also written such books as 'Yue-Sai's Guide to Asian Beauty.'

《华尔街日报》的Jo Piazza近日写了一篇有关环球小姐中国区冠军罗紫琳的报道。罗紫琳是代表中国竞逐环球小姐(Miss Universe)头衔的参赛者。罗紫琳目前正在纽约为下个月即将举行的环球小姐大赛进行训练。她所学习的内容包括社交礼仪和与人寒暄的技巧。

Ms. Kan's assistance to Ms. Luo could be motivated as much by patriotism as business