

  • 我也要将以色列人的尸首放在他们的偶像面前,将你们的骸骨抛散在你们祭坛的四围。
  • 新中译版圣经:我也要将以色列人的尸首放在他们的偶像面前,将你们的骸骨抛散在你们祭坛的四围。
  • 新世纪圣经:我要把以色列人的尸体放在他们的偶象面前,又把你们的骸骨抛散在你们祭坛的周围。
  • LCC:我要将以色列人的尸身放在他们的偶像面前,将你们的骸骨四散在你们的祭坛四围。
  • TCB:我要使以色列人的尸体分散,把他们的骸骨散在祭坛四周。
  • 当代圣经:你们的尸体要倒在那里,你们的骸骨要散在祭坛的四周。
  • CSG:我还要把以色列尸体放在他们的偶像前,把你们的骨头散在你们的祭坛周围。


  • 新国际版圣经:I will lay the dead bodies of the Israelites in front of their idols, and I will scatter your bones around your altars.
  • NRSV:I will lay the corpses of the people of Israel in front of their idols; and I will scatter your bones around your altars.
  • NASV:"I will also lay the dead bodies of the sons of Israel in front of their idols; and I will scatter your bones around your altars.
  • 古老版圣经:And I will lay the dead carcases of the children of Israel before their idols; and I will scatter your bones round about your altars.
  • ASV:And I will lay the dead bodies of the children of Israel before their idols; and I will scatter your bones round about your altars.
  • 基础英语版圣经:And I will put the dead bodies of the children of Israel in front of their images, sending your bones in all directions about your altars.
  • DBY:and I will lay the dead bodies of the children of Israel before their idols; and I will scatter your bones round about your altars.
  • 标准修订版圣经:And I will lay the dead bodies of the people of Israel before their idols;and I will scatter your bones round about your altars.
  • 直译圣经95版:"I will also lay the dead bodies of the sons of Israel in front of their idols; and I will scatter your bones around your altars.
  • 直译圣经77版:"I shall also lay the dead bodies of the sons of Israel in front of their idols; and I shall scatter your bones around your altars.
  • WEB:And I will lay the dead carcasses of the children of Israel before their idols; and I will scatter your bones about your altars.
  • YLT:And put the carcases of the sons of Israel before their idols, And scattered your bones round about your altars.


  • .!k,yte/jB]zmi t/bybis] !k,yte/mx]['Ata, ytiyrIzEw !h,yleWLGI ynEp]li laer;c]yI ynEB] yregPiAta, yTit'n:w



NIV:新国际版(New International Version,简称NIV)是一个当代英语圣经译本,也是目前在英语国家被最为广泛使用的圣经版本,适合个人研读之用的译本。
NCB: New Century Bible 《新世纪圣经》
LCC:(Library of Christian Classes)
CLB:当代圣经译本(The Chinese Living Bible, CLB)
NASB:用纯粹直译方法(Strictly Literal)的译本

