
    玛丽:你好!我叫玛丽,我从美国来。    汉生:你好!我叫汉生。欢迎你来中国。    玛丽:很高兴认识你。你能做我的语伴吗?    汉生:当然可以。    玛丽:那能告诉我你的电话号码吗?    汉生:好的。19021654307。     Mary: Good morning! My name is Mary, I'm American.
Hansheng: Good morning! My name is Hansheng. Welcome to China.
M: Happy to meet you. Could you become my language partner?
H: Yes, of course.
M: So, can you tell me your phone number?
H: Ok. 19021654307.

-- benchannevy@

Lesson Summary:
If you want to keep in touch with a new friend, don't forget to ask his phone number. Lesson Content: Mary: Good morning! My name is Mary, I'm American.
Hansheng: Good morning! My name is Hansheng. Welcome to China.
M: Happy to meet you. Could you become my language partner?
H: Yes, of course.
M: So, can you tell me your phone number?
H: Ok. 19021654307.