
Chef Vinny Lauria of 208 Duecento Otto is a self-proclaimed 'nerd' when it comes to pizza. He studies every pie with the precision of a scientist and obsession of a comic-book collector.

But his aim is a genuine Naples-style pie, and the standards of l'Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana (Association for Real Neapolitan Pizza) - think of it as the Italian pizza police - are most exacting. Mr. Lauria's signature slice is the D.O.C., named after the Italian quality label denominazione di origine controllata, which is awarded for excellence in regional food and modeled after the French appellation d'origine contrôlée (A.O.C.) system. Here's how it comes together:

到比萨饼的时候,208 Duecento Otto餐厅的大厨文尼•劳瑞亚(Vinny Lauria)以"痴迷"自许。面对每一块比萨饼,他都会用上科学家的精准和漫画收藏迷的执着。

The base: Italian doppio zero flour is required to make an authentic pizza napoletana. A high-gluten wheat flour, it's extra fine, making for a smoother dough. That dough is turned into a round that's 35 centimeters in diameter and a superthin three millimeters thick (with an elevated edge the Italians call the cornicione, or cornice), dimensions achieved entirely through delicate stretching by hand. 'Rolling pins are strictly forbidden,' says Mr. Lauria, and tossing is also a no-no.

不过,他的目标只是创制一块正宗的那不勒斯比萨,而"正宗那不勒斯比萨协会"(l'Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana)--你就把这个协会想成意大利的比萨员警好了--所制定的标准可谓无比苛刻。劳瑞亚的招牌作品是D.O.C.比萨,这个名字是意大利品质认证标志denominazione di origine controllata(限定产区命名)的缩写。D.O.C.模仿的是法国的appellation d'origine controlee(A.O.C.,限定产区命名)认证体系,只有品质上乘的地方食品才能获得这一认证。以下就是D.O.C.比萨的制作过程:

The cheeses: Mozzarella di Bufala Campana, made from the milk of water buffalo living in the marshlands of Campania and Lazio, has an intense milky flavor. To reduce the moisture (too much would makes the pizza soggy), the chef finely dices the cheese and drains it for two hours through cheesecloth. Scamorza cheese, a close cousin of mozzarella, adds a signature smoky flavor.

面饼:要制作正宗的那不勒斯比萨,必须使用来自意大利的双零号面粉。这是一种富含麸质的小麦面粉,粉质很细,可以和出更加均匀的面团。厨师会把面团抻成一个直径35厘米、厚三毫米的超薄面饼(面饼边缘略微凸起,意大利人管这叫做"檐口"),靠的完全是精妙的手工。劳瑞亚说," 面杖是绝对不能用的,"抖和甩的手法也是大忌。

The sauce: Fresh cherrytomatoes, crushed by hand, serve as sauce and topping on the D.O.C. pizza. (The other pies at the restaurant are made with San Marzano tomato sauce.)

乳酪:D.O.C.比萨用的是奶味浓郁的莫萨雷拉水牛乳酪(Mozzarella di Bufala Campana),为这种乳酪提供乳汁的水牛生活在意大利坎帕尼亚(Campania)和拉齐奥(Lazio)的沼地之中。为了减少乳酪当中的水分(水分太多的话,面饼就会被泡软),厨师会把它切成小片,裹在乳酪布里晾上两个小时。除此之外,他们还会用上与莫萨雷拉乳酪非常相似的斯卡莫萨乳酪(Scamorza),要的是它那种标志性的烟熏味。

The baking: The pizza association declares that this can be achieved only in an Italian-made, dome-shaped brick oven, which ensures even heat distribution. The handcrafted example at 208 Duecento Otto, shipped over from Naples, heats up to 485