
For better and worse, this is one of those movie years when there's widespreadagreement among the early awards-givers and, presumably, among critics putting together their ritual 10-best lists. It's better because the movies winningconsistent favor are really good, and worse because they're so few in number. While the pickings haven't been slim, they haven't been bountiful either.

My choice for the year's best movie is 'The Social Network.' If that means I've succumbed to a herd mentality, so be it; herds can stampede in the right direction. The film's ambition is what I admire most. It grabs onto a genuinephenomenon in contemporary life and tells us things we didn't know about it.


A whisker-close second is 'The King's Speech.' A pair of masterful performances by Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush; a footnote to English history transformed into a resonant fable of challenge, achievement and friendship across class barriers; a period piece that speaks eloquently to the present -- could anyone ask more of mainstream entertainment?

我认为本年度的最佳影片是《社交网路》(The Social Network)。你要说我这是随大流,那就是吧,大众取向也有可能是正确的。影片表现的那种雄心抱负是我最最欣赏的。它反映了现代生活的一种真实现状,并且为我们讲述了一些我们原先所不知道的状况。

Few people will see 'Carlos' -- from here on these choices are in alphabetical order -- as I saw it, all 5 1/2 hours of it with only one short break. Relatively few people will see it at all. Yet this epic portrait of the international terrorist expands the notion of what film can do, and Edgar Ramirez, in the title role, is both terrifying and perversely majestic.

紧随其后的便是《国王的演讲》(The King's Speech),两位大师级演员科林•弗斯(Colin Firth)和杰佛瑞•拉什(Geoffrey Rush)完美搭档,将英国历史上的一个小插曲演绎成了一个关于挑战、成就和跨越阶级的友情的引人共鸣的故事,这个古老的故事在今时今日依然富有教益──对这样一部主流影片,你还能提出更多的要求来吗?

The most obvious reason for picking 'The Fighter' is the exceptional quality of the acting: Christian Bale, Mark Wahlberg, Amy Adams and Melissa Leo are the main attractions, but not the only ones. More than a boxing story, the film stays in memory for what it says about the nourishing and imprisoning nature of a close-knit family.

很少有人会用我这种方式来看《胡狼卡洛斯》(Carlos)这部片子──从这部片子开始,接下来的影片我将按照字母次序来排列──整整五个半小时的片子,我几乎是一口气看完的,中间只有过一次短暂的休息。其实根本就没什么人会看这部片子。不过这部以国际恐怖分子为题材的史诗般的作品,的确拓宽了电影的概念。而且,片中的主角爱德格•拉米雷斯(Edgar Ramirez)既令人生畏又有着不可抗拒的伟岸高贵的气质。

Several small films reminded us that art can still coexist with entertainment in American independent features. One of them, 'The Kids Are All Right,' looks into an unconventional family headed by a mom and a mom -- Annette Bening and Julianne Moore -- and finds the classic, if not conventional, stuff of affecting comedy.

《斗士》(The Fighter)这部片子之所以入选,最显而易见的理由是其超级强大的演员阵容:克里斯汀•贝尔(Christian Bale)、马克•沃尔伯格(Mark Wahlberg)、艾米•亚当斯(Amy Adams)、梅丽莎•利奥(Melissa Leo),这是本片最主要的亮点,不过其亮点绝不仅于此。这部片子讲述的不仅仅是一个拳击手的故事,还描述了一个既给人温暖慰藉又让人感觉束缚的关系紧密的家庭,这一点令人记忆犹新。

The word Mom doesn't leap to mind in connection with 'Mother,' a remarkable Korean film with Kim Hye-ja as a mother obsessively devoted to her 27-year-old brain-damaged son. Among the story's many surprises is its droll humor. The heroine becomes, among other things, a detective who could have been played by Margaret Rutherford.

看过几部小制作影片后,我们就可以发现,在美国独立影片中,艺术同娱乐是可以并行不悖的。其中一部是《孩子们都很好》(The Kids Are All Right),讲述了一个非常规家庭的故事──安妮特•贝宁(Annette Bening)和朱利安•摩尔(Julianne Moore)饰演一对同性恋母亲──是一部感人肺腑的喜剧,其中的动人之处尽管是非常规的,但是绝对堪称经典。

Small may describe the physical scale and the 90-minute running time of 'Please Give,' but not the emotional power of this lovely comedy about empathy. The heroine, Catherine Keener's Kate, suffers from a surfeit of empathy, but the movie has suffered only from underexposure. In an alternateuniverse, it would have played as many theaters as 'TRON: Legacy.'

在看韩国影片《母亲》(Mother)时,你脑中并不会蹦出"妈妈"这个词。这是一部非同寻常的片子,金慧子(Kim Hye-ja)饰演一位全力以赴保护自己27岁智障儿子的母亲。片子会给人带来很多的惊喜,其中之一便是那种古怪的幽默。女主角居然成了一个侦探,活脱脱一个再版的玛格丽特•拉塞福(Margaret Rutherford,英国女演员,塑造了经典的女侦探马普尔小姐的形象)。

Several documentaries distinguished themselves this year, among them 'Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer' and 'Inside Job.' Still, my favorite is 'Precious Life,' the story of a Palestinian baby who was born in Gaza three years ago with a severe immune deficiency, then treated in Israel by Israeli doctors. It may sound sentimental, though it's anything but.

片长90分钟的《请给予》(Please Give)是个小制作,不过从情感层面来说,这部讲述同情心的轻松喜剧,其力量可是绝对不容小觑。凯萨琳•基纳(Catherine Keener)饰演的女主角凯特因自己同情心泛滥而备受困扰,而对于这部影片而言,唯一的困扰就是曝光不够。如果放到另外一个世界,它入驻影院的数量准定能赶上《创战纪》(TRON: Legacy)。

What is there to say about 'Toy Story 3' except hail, farewell and endless thanks for all the pleasure? It's now a commonplace that Pixar has set the standard for excellence in all American films. In the process, they set almost impossible expectations for the end of the 'Toy Story' trilogy, then managed to fulfill them.

今年还有好几部很出彩的纪录片,比如:《9号客人:纽约州州长斯皮策盛衰记》(Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer),《监守自盗》(Inside Job)。不过,我的最爱还是《珍爱人生》(Precious Life),它讲述了这样一个故事:三年前一个身患严重免疫缺陷的巴勒斯坦婴儿在加沙降生,后来来到以色列接受以色列医生的救治。听起来似乎很伤感,其实一点也不。

Far from being a downer, 'Winter's Bone' makes its way from harshness and hardship into hope. Jennifer Lawrence plays -- to perfection, and no bones about it -- the 17-year-old heroine, Ree Dolly, who must save her family by finding her no-account, crank-cooking fugitive of a father, alive or dead.

对于《玩具总动员3》(Toy Story 3)带来的快乐,除了欢呼、依依惜别和无尽的谢意之外,还能说什么呢?如今,皮克斯公司(Pixar)的作品已是公认的美国优秀电影的标杆了。《玩具总动员》三部曲前两部的精彩给终结篇设定了一个几乎不可能实现的预期值,而皮克斯却完全没有让观众失望。

Since space, like long-term memory, is at a premium, here are some other excellent films that didn't make the cut, listed without comment and in no particular order:

《冬天的骨头》(Winter's Bone)绝对不是一部令人看了消沉的片子,而是让你在看到残酷困苦现实的同时也看到了希望。詹妮弗•劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence)饰演17岁的女主角芮•多莉(Ree Dolly)──非常完美,就像鸡蛋里挑不出骨头一样地完美──为了挽留自家的房子,她只身去寻找自己那个生死未卜的一无用处的逃犯父亲。

'A Prophet'; '127 Hours'; 'The Ghost Writer'; 'How to Train Your Dragon'; 'Fish Tank'; 'Animal Kingdom'; 'Tiny Furniture'; 'Unstoppable'; 'Nowhere Boy'; 'Cyrus'; 'The Father of My Children'; 'Boxing Gym'; 'Greenberg'; 'It's Kind of a Funny Story'; 'White Material'; 'The Secret in Their Eyes'; 'Easy A'; 'The Illusionist'; 'Soul Kitchen'; 'Splice'; 'The Town.'


Joe Morgenstern