
Ben Kemper, 19, plans to wear a frock coat with cuffs to the annual Jane Austen birthday tea in Boise, Idaho, on Saturday.

19岁的本•肯佩尔(Ben Kemper)打算戴上袖扣,穿上19世纪式样的双排扣礼服大衣参加周六在爱达荷州(Idaho)博伊西(Boise)举办的年度简•奥斯丁(Jane Austen)诞辰茶会。

The outfit will be 'the whole shebang,' says Mr. Kemper, who hopes to scare up some yard work so he can pay for the new threads. He says his costume may include riding boots, a cane, gloves and a buttoned vest.


Mr. Kemper is among an unlikely set of fans of the long-dead Ms. Austen -- young people. The English novelist best known for 'Pride and Prejudice' and 'Sense and Sensibility' has been dead since 1817, yet she is drawing a cultish pack of young people, especially young women, known as 'Janeites' who are dedicated to celebrating all things Austen.

早已过世的英国小说家奥斯丁有一群由年轻人构成的最不可思议的粉丝团,肯佩尔就是这个团体的一员。奥斯丁因着述《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)和《理智与情感》(Sense and Sensibility)闻名于世。虽然早于1817年就已经逝世,奥斯丁对于年轻人尤其是年轻女孩还是有着巨大的吸引力,她们自称"简迷"(Janeites),热衷于欣赏和讨论有关奥斯汀的一切。

The appeal? Ms. Austen's tales of courtship and manners resonate with dating-obsessed and social-media-savvy 21st-century youths, says Nili Olay, regional coordinator for the New York Metro chapter of the Jane Austen Society of North America, or JASNA.

奥斯丁缘何具有如此大的魅力?在"简迷"欧蕾(Nili Olay)看来,奥斯丁小说中描述的19世纪男女求偶和社交礼仪恰好在痴迷约会和乐衷社交媒体的当下青少年中产生了共鸣。欧蕾是北美奥斯丁协会(Jane Austen Society of North America,以下简称JASNA)纽约分会的地区协调员。

Other renowned English authors aren't so posthumously popular -- at least among the Web set. Ms. Austen counts roughly 89,000 fans on Facebook, compared with 45,000 for Charles Dickens, and just 9,000 for the Bronte sisters.

至少在网路上,其他已逝世的著名英国作家受欢迎的程度远不及奥斯丁。在脸谱网(Facebook)上,奥斯丁大约有8.9万名粉丝,相比之下,狄更斯(Charles Dickens)只有4.5万名粉丝,而勃朗特姐妹(Bronte sisters)就更可怜了,只有区区9000名粉丝。

Young women, in particular, find meaning in Ms. Austen's work, according to Joan Klingel Ray, author of 'Jane Austen for Dummies.' They may be 'trying to figure out how to find Mr. Right,' says Ms. Ray, an English professor at the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs. 'You can almost vicariously experience this through her heroines.'

在《简•奥斯丁入门》(Jane Austen for Dummies)的作者雷(Joan Klingel Ray)看来,年轻妇女常常能够从奥斯丁的著作中发现很多有意义的观点,比如"怎么找到如意郎君"之类的问题,她作品中的女主人公的经历会教给你很多东西。雷是位于科罗拉多斯普林斯市(Springs)的科罗拉多大学(University of Colorado)的英语系教授。

Jennifer Potter, 24, a member of JASNA's New York chapter, says Charlotte Bronte's 'Jane Eyre' feels antiquated. She finds Jane Austen's writing more relevant to her life. 'Marrying for money, crazy parents, dating -- these are all basic themes,' Ms. Potter said, sipping tea near the sandwich table at a recent Austen meeting that drew 200 members.

24岁的波特(Jennifer Potter)是JASNA纽约分会的一名会员,在她看来,夏洛蒂•勃朗特(Charlotte Bronte)的《简•爱》(Jane Eyre)已经过时,而奥斯丁的作品更贴近她的生活。在最近一次有200名会员参加的"简迷"聚会上,波特在小餐桌旁一边小口喝茶一边说道,因钱嫁娶,疯狂逼婚的父母还有不停的约会,这些至今都是生活的基本主题。

Lindsey Hanlon, 22, is part of an Austen group at the University of Wyoming, in Laramie, in which members sit for hours over dinner discussing the author's work and give each other quizzes. Earlier this year, during spring break, they traveled to England for a visit of old Austen haunts, including Bath, where some of her characters disported themselves.

22岁的汉隆(Lindsey Hanlon)是位于拉勒米(Laramie)的怀俄明大学(University of Wyoming)的"简迷"俱乐部成员。这个俱乐部的成员在晚餐时可以连续几个小时地讨论奥斯丁的著作,并相互出题考察对方对作品的熟悉程度。今年早些时候的春假期间,他们前往英格兰,探访了奥斯丁生前常去的几个地方,其中就包括巴斯(Bath)--奥斯丁作品中的几个主角常在那里游玩嬉戏。

'Every girl in the world has had a crush on an inappropriate suitor or the man she sees as above her, or even the local bad boy,' says Ms. Hanlon. 'Whoever you are, there is a love story for you in Austen.'


Ms. Olay, 66, is trying to tap into that passion to ensure that the Austen Society, formed in 1979, endures. In 2008, at the suggestion of member Cattleya Concepcion, 27, Ms. Olay set up a Facebook page. She quickly found that the Web was already a hotbed of Austen activity.

66岁的欧蕾想将心中的激情化作实际行动,确保于1979年成立的奥斯丁协会(Austen Society)能够继续运作下去。2008年,在一个名叫康塞普西翁(Cattleya Concepcion)的27岁会员的建议下,欧蕾在脸谱网上建立了一个主页,她很快发现网路早已成为"简迷"们活动的温床。

'Using the Web and Facebook, we were able to reach younger members,' says Ms. Olay. 'They are forming friendships and learning how to plan events.'


DeeDee Baldwin, 31, of Starkville, Miss., created in 2008 'AustenBook,' a Web spoof of Facebook that digitally chronicles the happenings of Elizabeth Bennet and the other characters in 'Pride and Prejudice.' 'When you read her books, you feel like the characters could be with you right now,' says Ms. Baldwin.

31岁的鲍德温(DeeDee Baldwin)来自密西西比州(Mississippi)的斯塔克维尔(Starkville),2008年她创建了一个名为AustenBook的戏仿Facebook的网站,按时间顺序忠实地记载了小说《傲慢与偏见》中伊莉莎白•班纳特(Elizabeth Bennet)和其他诸位主角经历的奇闻轶事。鲍德温说,在读奥斯丁的作品时,你感觉书中的人物此刻就在你的身旁。

The Austen Society is reaching young people in other ways, too. For the past three years the group has bought space at the Brooklyn Book Festival, making Ms. Austen the only deceased author with her own booth at the ultra-hip event.

奥斯丁协会用各种办法接触年轻人。过去三年里,该协会在布鲁克林书展(Brooklyn Book Festival)上购置展位,这样奥斯丁就成为惟一一位在这个超级时尚的书展上拥有自己展位的去世作家。

Jaclyn Green-Stock, 23, co-heads the New York 'Juvenilia' chapter of the Austen Society, a 50-member group of Janeites in their 20s and 30s. Ms. Green-Stock is also writing a screenplay about gentrification in New York, using 'Persuasion' as her chief inspiration.

23岁的格林斯托克(Jaclyn Green-Stock)是奥斯丁协会纽约青年分会的联合主管,该分会有50名会员,年龄大都在二三十岁。格林斯托克正在撰写一个剧本,说的是有关纽约"移居开发"(gentrification,指中产阶级或相对富裕的人群向欠发达地区移民,以推动该地区及周边地区的经济发展)的故事,她说自己创作灵感主要来自"信仰"一词。

The Juvenilia members take walking tours in lower Manhattan and gather at each other's apartments to watch DVDs of Austen-themed movies such as a Bollywood version of 'Sense and Sensibility' called 'I Have Found It.'

青年分会的会员经常在曼哈顿下城散步,在各自的公寓里聚会,观看各类与奥斯丁有关的影片,比如宝莱坞(Bollywood)版的《理智与情感》--《我找到了》(I Have Found It)。

Media companies are tapping into the Austen craze as well. Quirk Books in Philadelphia in 2008 commissioned author Seth Grahame-Smith to write 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies,' a work that adds the undead to Ms. Austen's classic novel. The book is slated to become a film next year.

各类媒体也正涌入当下这股追捧奥斯丁的热潮。2008年,费城的Quirk Books出版社委托作家格雷厄姆-史密斯(Seth Grahame-Smith)撰写一本新书--《傲慢与偏见,还有僵尸》(Pride and Prejudice and Zombies),此书在奥斯丁的经典小说中加入时下大热的僵尸元素,该书明年还会被翻拍成电影。

The seeds of the Austen resurgence were sown during the 1990s. In 1995 came two big film and TV adaptations: the BBC miniseries of 'Pride and Prejudice,' featuring actor Colin Firth as Fitzwilliam Darcy; and director Ang Lee's 'Sense and Sensibility,' starring Emma Thompson, Hugh Grant and Kate Winslet. A year later Gwyneth Paltrow starred in 'Emma.'

其实早在上世纪90年代,奥斯丁复兴的种子就已经播下了。1995年面世的一部影片和一部电视剧都和奥斯丁有关:BBC推出的迷你剧《傲慢与偏见》,演员科林•弗斯(Colin Firth)出演男主角达西先生(Fitzwilliam Darcy);李安执导的《理智与情感》则邀请艾玛•汤普森(Emma Thompson)、休•格兰特(Hugh Grant)以及凯特•温斯莱特(Kate Winslet)出任主角。一年后,格温妮丝•派特洛(Gwyneth Paltrow)主演了《爱玛》(Emma)。

'Clueless,' a 1995 movie starring Alicia Silverstone and Paul Rudd, was a thinly disguised adaptation of 'Emma,' set in modern-day California.

1995年的另一部影片《独领风骚》(Clueless)实际是由《爱玛》改编的现代爱情电影,该片由艾丽西亚•希尔文斯通(Alicia Silverstone)以及保罗•拉德(Paul Rudd)担当男女主角,故事发生的地点换成了现代美国加州。

But while those movies stirred young people's passions for Ms. Austen's works, the Web is allowing fans to connect in new ways.


Among the Jane Austen Twitter feeds, blogs and chat rooms that have cropped up is 'Jane Austen's Fight Club,' a faux movie trailer that juxtaposes women in Austen-era frocks with the bruises and blood of the cult classic 'Fight Club.' There's also dwiggie.com, a hub of fan fiction overseen by Crystal Shih, 29. Ms. Shih and her college roommate discovered Ms. Austen a decade ago and began writing Austenesque prose in their Massachusetts Institute of Technology dorm room. Now her site boasts about 1,000 registered users. Everything from 'Clueless' to Colin Firth is fair game for debate.

在一系列有关简•奥斯丁(Jane Austen)的推特种子(Twitter feed)、博客和聊天室中,异军突起的有一部名为《简•奥斯丁搏击俱乐部》(Jane Austen's Fight Club)的电影,作为向经典影片《搏击俱乐部》(Fight Club)致敬的新派作品,本片在视觉形象上为观众提供了反差鲜明的对比:一群穿着奥斯丁时代连衣裙的淑女却热衷搏击,经常把对方打得鼻青脸肿。另外还有一个叫做dwiggie.com的书迷网站,由29岁的克丽丝塔•施(Crystal Shih)运营。十年前在麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)读书的时候,施和室友开始恋上奥斯丁的作品,并模仿她的笔调撰写散文。现在她的网站已经有了1000名注册用户,在这里网友无所不谈,从影片《独领风骚》到英国男演员科林•弗斯都是大家讨论的对象。

'The movie adaptations created a lot of fanatics,' says Ms. Shih, now doing postdoctoral work in biochemistry at MIT. 'In some of the forums, there are throw-downs about who is their favorite Darcy. . . At one conference an 80-year-old said Laurence Olivier was the only one for her, but Colin Firth definitely propagates that Darcy image today.'

施目前在麻省理工学院做生物化学方面的博士后研究,她说,这些改编的电影拥有许多狂热的影迷,在一些论坛,经常有类似"谁是你心目中最完美的达西"之类的投票帖。一次一位80岁的老妇说劳伦斯•奥利弗(Laurence Olivier)是她心目中永远的达西,但在今天,我想大多数人还是通过科林•弗斯塑造的银幕形象认识达西的。

A spokeswoman for Mr. Firth declined to comment.


Laurie Viera Rigler has written two Austen-theme novels, 'Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict' and 'Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict.' In May she launched 'Sex and the Austen Girl,' a Web series at babelgum.com that plays on the differences between life today and in the Austen era.

一个名叫比艾拉•里格勒(Laurie Viera Rigler)的女孩写了两本以奥斯丁为主题的小说--《一位元"简迷"的自白》(Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict)以及《一位"简迷"的觉醒》(Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict)。她在今年五月推出了新作《奥斯丁女孩的欲望》(Sex and the Austen Girl),这是一部在babelgum.com网站上播放的网路短剧,讲述的是奥斯丁时代和今天的生活差异。

The two-and-a-half minute webisodes include such titles as 'The 200-Year-Old Virgin.'

这个每集两分半钟的网路短剧有着诸如这样的标题--《200岁的老处女》(The 200-Year-Old Virgin)。

Young people, says Ms. Viera Rigler, are deep into Austen's universe and obsessive fandom 'is normal to them.'


'It's true,' she says. 'We are a little crazy.'


Arden Dale / Mary Pilon