
This holiday season, the war against couch potatoes wages on with Microsoft's Xbox Kinect, the latest in motion-sensing video-game consoles. While the Nintendo Wii and Sony PlayStation Move encourage people to stand and play games using familiar gestures and simple controllers, Kinect encourages people to motion their way through games and screens using their bodies as controllers.

Kinect (xbox.com/kinect), a rectangular strip of four microphones, a 3-D sensor and a video camera, is $150 for those who own the Xbox 360. It's sold in a $300 bundle with the 4-gigabyte Xbox 360 console; $400 with a 250-gigabyte console. All packages include the Kinect Adventures videogame. There are currently 17 games that work with Kinect, and each costs $50.

个假期,最新的动作感应电玩操控系统、微软的Xbox Kinect向沙发土豆们发起了挑战。任天堂(Nintendo) Wii和索尼(Sony)PlayStation Move都是鼓励玩家站起来,通过各种常用的手势和简单的控制器来玩游戏,而Kinect则是鼓励人们全身动起来,你的身体就是控制器。

Thirteen of the 17 available Kinect games are rated E for Everyone, and the remaining four are rated T for Teens -- a sign that Microsoft is going after a different crowd with Kinect than with its regular Xbox games, which offer a wide range of ratings, including violent games.

Kinect (xbox.com/kinect)呈细长条形,上有四个麦克风、一个3D感应器和一个内置摄像机。单买Kinect,价格为150美元;配4G Xbox 360售价300美元;配250G Xbox 360售价400美元。这些价格都包含了Kinect Adventures游戏。目前共有17款Kinect游戏,售价均为50美元。

It automatically identifies who you are and pauses when you leave its vicinity, so it isn't hard to imagine this ingenuity controlling all kinds of devices, like a PC, smartphone or tablet.


Over the past few weeks, I played a variety of Kinect games with three other people in the room, one other person in the room and completely by myself. I tried it with a 46-inch, 1080p LCD TV as well as using an old standard-definition TV.


My experiences were mixed. Kinect works beautifully for activities that involve only your body, like exercise classes, running, yoga and dancing, with the moves feeling natural and fun. The motion sensor detects even slight movements to reflect what you're doing on the TV screen. I battled my boyfriend in Dance Central while busting out dance moves called Double Dig 'Ems and Headwrushes. I sprinted down a virtual track, running in place fast enough to earn a game world record. And I toned my arms and abdominals while punching floating boxes in the Your Shape's kickboxing class.


But when it came to sports that involved holding or throwing objects like bowling, volleyball or discus, Kinect started to feel a little inauthentic, like I didn't really have control over the object. When I threw a discus far enough in Kinect Sports to prompt the game's commentator to shout, 'Is that discus a part of the space program?' I didn't know what I did to get that result.

我的感觉有的很好有的还有所欠缺。玩那些只需要身体活动的项目时Kinec表现良好,比如健身操、跑步、瑜伽和跳舞,动作自然,令人愉悦。动作传感器甚至能感应到你最最轻微的一些动作,并在电视屏幕上显示出来。和男朋友在玩Dance Central游戏时,我突然做出Double Dig 'Ems和Headwrushes舞蹈动作,将他击败。我全速在一条虚拟跑道上冲刺,创造了游戏世界纪录。在Your Shape游戏的跆拳道课程上,通过击打那些漂浮的箱子,我锻炼了自己的双臂和腹肌。

The same was true for driving a car in Kinect's Joy Ride game: Players are instructed to hold their hands like they would if they were gripping a steering wheel, turning left or right by moving hands accordingly and leaning back and quickly forward to get a burst of speed. But it's hard to mimic a motion to accelerate, and I found myself jerking my body all around to get results. My arms also got tired after holding them up for awhile.

不过在玩保龄、排球、铁饼等需要投掷物体的游戏时,Kinect表现的就不是那么逼真了,我感觉自己好像并没有真正把控住那些物体。在玩Kinect Sports时,我把一个铁饼掷得老远,结果却听到解说员大喊:"那块铁饼是扔到外太空去了吗?"我不知道自己哪里做得不对,怎么会得到这样的结果。

Other games, like Kinectimals and Kinect Adventures, play to the Kinect's strengths by using broader gestures and fewer accuracy-focused tasks. With Kinectimals, I moved my hands to virtuallyscratch a Bengal tiger cub; the cub even became more familiar with me the more it listened to my voice. I rode a raft in Kinect Adventures by leaning left or right to steer through rapids, jumping up to grab on-screen coins for points and ducking to avoid getting clocked in the head with objects.

在Joy Ride游戏中开车时也发生了类似的状况:根据提示,玩家要像握方向盘一样紧握双手,然后模拟左右打方向盘的手势,身子往后靠,需要加速时身子要突然往前冲。不过要模仿加速的动作很难,我发现得整个身子往前冲才行,双手紧握一会儿之后,胳膊也酸得不行了。

In certain games, two people can play simultaneouslystanding in front of Kinect. The system can identify and sign in up to eight people as they step in and out of play. It recognizes those who are signed into Xbox and playing, so only their gestures maintain control of navigation. Its sensor will identify and log you in a few seconds after you step in front of it. If you walk away in the middle of a game, Kinect will sense that you aren't there and will pause the game.

其他的游戏,比如Kinectimals和Kinect Adventures,都很好地体现了Kinect的强项,有更多的手势识别任务,对精确度要求很高的任务则相对较少。玩Kinectimals游戏时,我虚拟着抚摸的动作,爱抚着一头孟加拉虎幼崽,而且,听多了我的声音之后,小老虎还跟我越来越亲了呢。在Kinect Adventures游戏里,我撑着一个木筏,身子左右摇晃以安然穿越激流,还不时跳起来拿下屏幕上放的硬币好获取积分,又时或弯腰低头免得头部被撞。

Kinect isn't yet fully integrated into the entire Xbox navigationsystem. Some tasks still require the old Xbox controller, like opening the Xbox Guide, a quick way of launching anything in the system. Xbox's Dashboard, which is the first menu you see when you turn on the system, also requires the controller. The Dashboard is separate from Kinect Hub, which lets you use your voice and gestures to do things like opening the system's disc tray, selecting menus or even pausing a movie -- just by saying, 'Xbox, pause.' A spokesman said Microsoft plans to integrate these commands throughout the Dashboard.


Many Kinect games capture videos of you as you play games and then play them back for you at the end. The results are hilarious. Kinect Adventures gives you a heads-up so you can make an extra silly pose at the right moment. Kinect Sports compiles a highlight reel as you go, playing this video back at the end of your athletic events, goofy sport gestures and all. Users who are signed into Xbox Live can share these videos with others.

Kinect还没有跟Xbox导航系统完全兼容。有些任务还是得用老的Xbox控制器,比如打开Xbox Guide,这样可以快速打开系统的各个选项。打开Dashboard也需要控制器,Dashboard是你打开系统之后看到的第一个菜单。Dashboard同Kinect Hub是相互独立的,通过Kinect Hub,你可以通过声音和手势来打开系统的光盘托盘、选取菜单甚而暂停电影的播放(说"Xbox, pause."就可以了),等等。微软一位发言人表示,微软计划将这些指令结合到整个Dashboard当中。

Kinect can also be used to video chat with anyone who's using Windows Live Messenger and a webcam.

很多Kinect游戏在你玩游戏的时候会拍下视频,游戏结束之后会将其回放。效果好笑极了。Kinect Adventures在回放之前会给一个提示,你可以在适当的时候再摆上一个傻傻的姿势。Kinect Sports则会编辑一个集锦,在你完成田径赛事、做完一些傻动作之后就会回放给你看。登录了Xbox Live的用户还可以把这些视频跟别人分享。

I really enjoyed Dance Central -- and not just because I won most of my dance battles (the one who gets the most moves correct wins). This game offered a large variety of songs ranging from old-school rap to Lady Gaga. Each dance was taught in a different virtual venue by an instructor who shouted words of encouragement or instruction, and cheers from the crowd spurred me on.


Navigating the menus in Kinect games is usually more enjoyable with gestures, though it takes a little longer than if you were pressing a controller button to skip ahead. In the Your Shape game, I selected from Personal Training, Fitness Classes and Gym Games using my arm to touch my selection and another red icon below that to confirm it. When I started this game, the sensor scanned my body to measure my height, arm length, leg length and shoulder span, thus customizing games just for me.

我玩Dance Central玩得很开心──不仅仅是因为我赢了多数的舞蹈比赛(做对动作多的人就赢)。而且这款游戏有非常丰富多样的配乐,从老牌说唱乐到Lady Gaga的歌都有。不同的舞蹈会有不同的虚拟场地,一位指导老师会大声鼓励你指导你,还会有观众的喝彩声。

For now, Xbox Kinect does well with many games that mimic real-life gestures and motions. Games with specific actions using objects, like rolling a bowling ball, need work to feel more authentic.

玩Kinect游戏时,用菜单导航通常比用手势感觉得心应手,不过比起按着控制器按钮翻页要稍微费时一点。在玩Your Shape游戏时,我用胳膊触碰选项,接着触碰下方的红色图标确认,在Personal Training、Fitness Classes和Gym Games当中做出了选择。游戏开始的时候,感应器扫描了我的身体,测量了我的身高、臂长、腿长和肩宽,然后开始了专门针对我的体形的游戏。

Katherine Boehret