
By Not since the invention of bacon and eggs has the collision of fowl and swine tasted so good.

A game called Angry Birds is dominating the best-selling-applications charts for Apple's iPhone with a simple, whimsical premise: Players turn different species of scowling birds into projectiles with which to crush a collection of grunting pigs scattered around various ramshackle structures. More than 12 million copies of Angry Birds have been sold since it went on sale late last year, most of them 99-cent downloads for iPhones and iPod touches, according to Rovio Mobile Ltd., the Finnish company that created the game.


Why do smart people love seemingly mindless games? Angry Birds is one of the latest to join the pantheon of 'casual games' that have appealed to a mass audience with a blend of addictive game play, memorable design and deft marketing. The games are designed to be played in short bursts, sometimes called 'entertainment snacking' by industry executives, and there is no stigma attached to adults pulling out their mobile phones and playing in most places. Games like Angry Birds incorporate cute, warm graphics, amusing sound effects and a rewardsystem to make players feel good. A scientific study from 2008 found that casual games provide a 'cognitive distraction' that could significantly improve players' moods and stress levels.

一款名为"愤怒的小鸟"(Angry Birds)的游戏高踞苹果公司(Apple) iPhone最畅销应用程序榜的前列,游戏预设的背景简单而又古怪:玩家将各种怒气冲天的鸟儿当作炮弹,去冲击一群哼哼唧唧、散布于各式各样草草而就的建筑中的猪。据制作该游戏的芬兰公司Rovio Mobile Ltd.说,这款游戏自去年年底开始销售以来销量已逾1,200万,其中绝大多数为供iPhone和iPod touch下载的版本,定价0.99美元。

Casual games are defined by the ease with which they can be picked up, including by players bewildered by more complex 'hardcore games' for PCs and consoles, with their intricate story lines and controls. The category spans early sensations like Tetris, the Russian-made puzzle game for PCs and consoles from the 1980s, to Bejeweled, a decade-old shape-matching game that is still in wide use in mobile devices. The average mobile-game player is 45 years old and nearly as likely to be female as male, according to a survey last year of more than 1,100 customers of AT&T's wireless service sponsored by PopCap Games, the maker of Bejeweled and other titles. When asked where they play mobile games, the top answer from respondents to the survey, conducted by Information Solutions Group, was while waiting for an appointment.


Angry Birds has attracted an unusually high-brow roster of fans. U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron has said he plays the game on his iPad, according to Andy Payne, chairman of a British games-industry trade group, who spoke to Mr. Cameron at a group dinner in September. (A spokeswoman for the prime minister didn't return a request for comment.) The author Salman Rushdie in a recent radio interview called himself 'something of a master at Angry Birds.' And comedian Conan O'Brien posted a YouTube video recently to promote his new talk show, in which he boasts that he's on level four of Angry Birds.

休闲游戏的特点是玩起来毫不费力,可轻松上手,连被更复杂的大型游戏弄得晕头转向的玩家也不例外,大型游戏往往是用电脑和游戏机来玩,有着复杂的故事情节,还需要精细的控制手法。从上世纪80年代风靡一时、在电脑和游戏机上玩的俄罗斯方块(Tetris),到已面世十余年、如今仍广泛存在于各类移动设备的"宝石迷阵"(Bejeweled),都属于休闲游戏范畴。去年一项对逾1,100名AT&T无线服务用户的调查显示,手机游戏玩家平均在45岁,男女比例相当。被问及在何处玩手机游戏时,最普遍的答案是在赴约等候之时。该调查由"宝石迷阵"和其他游戏的制造商PopCap Games赞助、市场调研公司Information Solutions Group进行。

Mikael Hed, chief executive of Angry Birds-developer Rovio, says the game's success is 'really the sum of all of its parts,' including the edgy-but-cute characters, amusing sound effects and simple rules. Rovio started in early 2009 with a rough idea of the protagonists it wanted to feature -- a cast of stern-looking birds. It decided to make the game's villains a group of sickly-looking green pigs, in homage to the swine-flu pandemic then grabbing headlines. The reason the birds are so angry with the pigs, according to the back story of the game, is that the pigs swiped the birds' eggs to cook them up.

"愤怒的小鸟"游戏吸引了一批身份非同小可的粉丝。据英国一个游戏行业组织的主席佩恩(Andy Payne)说,英国首相卡梅伦(David Cameron)就曾说过他会在iPad上玩这款游戏。佩恩曾在9月的一次团体餐会上与卡梅伦交谈。(卡梅伦发言人没有回应置评请求。)作家拉什迪(Salman Rushdie)不久前接受广播采访时号称自己是"愤怒的小鸟"游戏高手。喜剧演员奥布莱恩(Conan O'Brien)最近曾在YouTube网站发布视频,宣传他的新脱口秀节目,他在里面吹嘘自己玩到了"愤怒的小鸟"的第四级。

Rovio spent about $100,000 on the original Angry Birds and has invested more in new game levels that it offers, free, through updates to the game, a Rovio spokesman says.

制作"愤怒的小鸟"的Rovio公司首席执行长赫德(Mikael Hed)说,这款游戏的成功在于方方面面的细节,包括急躁但不失可爱的游戏角色、有趣的音效和简单的规则。2009年初,Rovio公司开始对游戏的主角有了粗略的想法──看上去气势汹汹的鸟儿。公司决定将游戏的反面角色设计为形像不甚讨喜的一群绿色小猪,以纪念当时成为新闻头条的猪流感疫情。根据游戏的背景故事,鸟儿们对猪愤怒无比的原因是这些猪偷了鸟蛋想烹而食之。

Fueled by word of mouth, the game landed on the best-seller chart for Apple's App Store for Finland late last year. In February, when Apple made Angry Birds a staff pick in the U.K. App Store, sales exploded, Mr. Hed says. A couple of months later, the game became a best-selling paid app in the U.S. App Store, he says.


Nick Wingfield