
The age of the tabletcomputer is upon us, and Wall Street stepped up its efforts this week to gauge just how destructive the trend will be to the traditional personal-computer market.



Computer-industry observers have been warning for months now that tablets are primed to 'crowd out,' or cannibalize, personal-computer sales because they can perform a lot of the same tasks but are cheaper and fit better with an on-the-go lifestyle.

目前,市场中只有几款平板电脑大行其道,主要是苹果公司(Apple)的iPad和三星电子(Samsung Electronics)的Galaxy Tab在唱主角。


The industry has only a few ofthe slate-style computers on offer at the moment, most prominently Apple's (ticker: AAPL) iPad and Samsung Electronics' Galaxy Tab.



But dozens of companies have announced or are expected to releasetabletcomputers of one sort or another in the coming months, ranging from Archos, a maker of chunky, brick-like portable video players, to ViewSonic, a maker of computer monitors.


然而,花旗集团的预测可能对于个人电脑市场过于乐观。11月22日,券商FBR Capital Markets专门跟踪英代尔公司(Intel)的克莱格•伯格(Craig Berger)给出一个更大胆的预测:苹果公司在2011年将卖出4000万台平板电脑,其他厂商将合计卖出3000万台。

The CEO of Acer, currently No. 2 in PC sales, was quoted on Friday boasting the company will dominatetablet sales a couple of years from now.


即使伯格的数位也可能太低:11月23日,行业杂志《电子时报》(DigiTimes)的一份报导称,为苹果公司生产iPad的中国富士康公司(Foxconn Electronics)正在把iPad的产量提高到每年7000万台。

And so the Street has been busy assembling models: On Monday, Citigroup's team of analysts covering computers, software and semiconductors put out a report saying there will be 35 million tabletcomputers sold in 2011, with Apple's iPad accounting for three quarters of the total, compared with almost 400 million PCs sold.



While the tablet sales look small by comparison, those 35 million sales will eliminate about 11 million PC sales that normally would be expected next year, enough to reduce the PC's sales-growth rate to 9% next year from an original 12% estimate, the Citi team said.



But Citi's estimates may be too kind to the PC. Craig Berger, who follows Intel (INTC) for FBR Capital Markets, gave a more aggressiveestimate on Monday, with 40 million tablets sold by Apple next year and 30 million by the rest of the pack.



Berger warns that the economics of tablet computing are 'not good for PCs,' with one PC sale lost for every 2.5 tablets sold.

生产黑莓(BlackBerry)手机的加拿大RIM公司(Research In Motion)将在明年1月推出PlayBook平板电脑,与苹果公司展开正面对抗。公司在2010年9月16日公布的二季度财报好于市场预测,三季度的预期也同样如此,但公司表示,其三季度的毛利率将从二季度的44.5%降至42%。


And even Berger's numbers may be too low: On Tuesday, a report by the trade magazine DigiTimes said Apple's manufacturer for iPads, Foxconn Electronics, was expanding capacity in China to produce up to 70 million iPads a year.



A report by the same publication on Wednesday predicted that, on top of Apple's output, up to 30 million tabletcomputers would be shipped next year by other manufacturers.



While it's debatable how much each tablet sale steals from what would be a PC purchase, there's no arguing with numbers that have shown a drastic drop-off in personal- computer sales in the third quarter from the first two quarters of the year.


信誉良好的高管团队确保惠普公司能够继续前行:惠普公司前任首席执行长马克•赫德(Mark Hurd) 在2010年8月因行为不当下台后,凯萨琳•赖斯嘉(Catherine Lesjak)一直担任公司的临时首席执行长,她带领公司实现了好于市场预期的第三财季表现。2010年11月22日,她与惠普负责大客户销售团队的安•利沃莫尔(Ann Livermore) 共同出席了电话会议,该业务单元25%的营业额提升对于公司三季度的经营表现十分关键。

Gartner last month reported that third-quarter sales of laptop computers to consumers was 'the weakest in the last several years.'

人们可能会想,惠普公司说不定会将这两位女士塑造成一个"动力组合",也许成为联席首席执行长,因为IT行业的女高管本身就凤毛麟角。人们会有些担心从德国软体巨头SAP公司转战而来的列奥•阿波蒂克(Leo Apotheka),因为他在SAP出任联席首席执行长的日子并没有太多建树。不过,阿波蒂克在惠普公司的电话会议中首次登台亮相后,分析师们似乎看好他更多一些。


Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) gave the latest evidence of the slowing this week, saying laptop revenue fell 3% in the quarter from a year earlier, while overall consumerrevenue was off 10%.

Tiernan Ray