
It's not a good sign, or portent, or whatever, that the only affecting character in 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1' proves to be the emancipated elf Dobby, a bandy-legged, floppy-eared, scrawny-necked and mostly digital creature -- based on Toby Jones's performance -- who yanks really hard at your heartstrings in his hour of distress. Nor is it much help that Dobby's big moment comes almost two hours into this ponderous film adaptation of the seventh and last book in J.K. Rowling's series. (Part 2 will unfold as another full-length feature.)

《哈利•波特与死亡圣器(上)》(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1)其中唯一打动人心的角色是小精灵多比(Dobby)。这个评论不好不坏,什么也说明不了。托比•琼斯(Toby Jones)饰演的多比是一个有着罗圈腿、干瘦脖子并耷拉着耳朵的小生物,这个形象基本上是数字技术制造出来的。多比透过琼斯的表演所展现出来的悲伤和痛苦一直紧紧扣着观众的心弦。这部改编自J.K.罗琳(J.K. Rowling)《哈利•波特》系列小说第七本也是最后一本的冗长电影在开始近两个小时后,才演到多比获得解放那一激动人心的时刻,但即使这样也未能使影片看起来有多精彩。(《死亡圣器(下)》将会是另外一部完整长度的电影。)

Then what of Harry, Ron and Hermione? Well, they're on a climactic mission to defeat the evil and essentially noseless Voldemort by finding and destroying all the Horcruxes, failing which we might never get to Part 2. Along the way, you may find yourself obsessing about exactly how many Horcruxes must still be found, since the dark and doomy mission is relieved only by a cheerfulwedding, a pleasant dance and a beautiful stretch of animation. What's worse, some mysterious movie curse has turned the three once-lively adventurers into wood.


Daniel Radcliffe, as Harry, spends a great deal of time looking pensive, or worried. At one point he says, with exasperation, 'This is completely mental!' Yes, and you wish it were emotional. Hermione is still the brains of the operation, yet the appealing young actress Emma Watson is called upon to wear a bleak expression that ill becomes her. (Did the director, David Yates, forget that at least some of this stuff was supposed to be fun?) Rupert Grint has grown up to be a skillful actor who knows the value of a slow burn, but the book dictates that Ron be afflicted by jealousy and anger, so, here again, what you read is what you get, and not one smile more.

饰演哈利•波特的演员丹尼尔•雷德克里夫(Daniel Radcliffe)在大量镜头中都是一副郁郁寡欢或愁眉不展的样子。这部影片中,哈利波特曾一度愤怒地说:这完全疯了!没错,观众本来就希望哈利波特这个角色能有感染力。赫敏仍是整个行动的策划者,但导演要求饰演这一角色的魅力非凡的年轻女演员爱玛•沃特森(Emma Watson)表现出一副无精打采的神态,这不是赫敏的特点。(难道导演大卫•耶茨(David Yates)忘了这个角色至少在某些时候应该是风趣的吗?) 鲁伯特•格林特(Rupert Grint)已成长为一个演技纯熟的演员,他知道不温不火也能有特别的效果,但小说硬是把罗恩描写成一个饱受嫉妒和愤怒折磨的角色,而电影再现了书中罗恩的形象,而不是那个更爱笑的罗恩。

The book dictates a vast assortment of details, interludes and ancillary characters; that's the nature, and the pleasure, of literarydensity. Their presence in the movie, which was adapted by Steve Kloves, may well be obligatory, as well as gratifying to the book's fans, but they take an awful toll on narrative momentum -- every two minutes the action whooshes sideways to someone somewhere else.

书里还强行加入了各种各样的海量细节、插入事件和无关痛痒的小人物,这是文学的基本特征,也是阅读文学的乐趣所在。但是当这些细枝末节经斯蒂芬•科洛弗(Steve Kloves)的改编放到电影里之后,很可能就有造作之嫌,并且好像是在讨好小说的读者。此举对于电影的故事情节来说是个大大的败笔,每隔两分钟镜头就呼啦一下转到了某个地方的某个人物身上了。

Those characters include multiple Harrys as decoys, a device that's handled joylessly. The interludes include a long -- and I mean long -- stay in a forest, where Hermione uses an extension charm (not that the movie needed extension) to turn her small bag into a cornucopia containing, among other things, a camping tent. Many of the production's deficits are baffling -- the commonplace chases, the murky look, the indifferent effects -- but none more so than the interior of the tent, which looks like a big and banal stage set before the enchantment sets in. On the other hand, that animatedsequence, which illustrates a crucial fairy tale in shadow-puppet style, is as charming as can be. The whole thing could have used animation.


Joe Morgenstern