
Q: What should I include in my resignation letter?


A: The more important question to be asking is what not to include, say the experts. 'Less is always more,' says Roy Cohen, a Manhattan-based careercounselor and executive coach. 'This is not the time to set the record straight. Know that it's a small world.' By leaving on the best note possible, you also keep open the option for a return to the company should your circumstances change.

答:专家们说,更重要的是该问问哪些东西是不应该写的。常驻曼哈顿的职业顾问、行政人员教练科恩(Roy Cohen)说,写的东西往往是越少越好。这并不是澄清问题的时候,要知道这个世界其实很小。将辞职信写得尽量得体,这样一来,一旦你的环境发生改变,也为重新回到老东家留下了机会。

Rather than airing your grievances with the company, you should set a positive tone from the start, says Marilyn Puder-York, a psychologist and executive coach in the New York metro area. One way to do this is to include a sentence or two at the top that shows your appreciation for the opportunity to work at the company and the experience it has given you.

心理学家、纽约地铁系统的行政人员教练普德-约克(Marilyn Puder-York)说,一开始应该采用积极的语调,而不要表达你对公司的不满。方法之一是开门见山地用一两句话表达对在公司工作机会以及对这段经历的感谢。

Small courtesies are also important. This includes giving enough notice: a minimum of two weeks but preferably one month, says Ms. Puder-York, who has seen people give as much as six months, a move that she wouldn't recommend. 'You lose a lot of power and credibility in six months,' she says. Your preferred last day should also be included in the letter.


Both Mr. Cohen and Ms. Puder-York recommend that you don't list reasons for your resignation, no matter how tempting it might seem. 'Once you've made the decision to leave, the reasons are superfluous,' says Mr. Cohen. One option is to include the following sentence at the end of your letter: 'I would be happy to discuss my reasons for resigning as well as any particular support I can give you during the transition,' suggests Ms. Puder-York.


'Make the letter clear, direct and simple,' she says. 'You should always wait to give additional information in a verbaldiscussion. The letter ends up in your file. You don't know where it is going to go.'


At some companies, a formalresignation letter may not even be necessary, says Ms. Puder-York. But she still recommends submitting one, equating it with the increasingly rare written thank-you note. 'It is the smart, respectful thing to do, and it's a gracious thing to do if you do it well,' she says.


Elizabeth Garone

Elizabeth Garone
