
The online habits of most people who use the world's dominant Web browser are an open book to advertisers. That wasn't the plan at first.

对广告客户们来说,Internet Explorer这一世界最主要网络浏览器的大多数用户有什么样的上网习惯,是件一目了然的事。但微软公司(Microsoft Corp.)当初并不是这样计划的。

In early 2008, Microsoft Corp.'s product planners for the Internet Explorer 8.0 browser intended to give users a simple, effective way to avoid being tracked online. They wanted to design the software to automatically" target="_blank" title="ad.自动地;无意识地">automaticallythwart common tracking tools, unless a user deliberately switched to settings affording less privacy.

2008年初,微软规划设计Internet Explorer 8.0的人曾打算,给用户提供一种简单有效的方法来避免自己被人在网上跟踪。他们想把这款浏览器软件设计成可自动阻挡那些常见的网上跟踪工具,除非用户愿意主动将设置改成提供较少隐私保护的模式。

That triggered heated debate inside Microsoft. As the leading maker of Web browsers, the gateway software to the Internet, Microsoft must balance conflicting interests: helping people surf the Web with its browser to keep their mouse clicks private, and helping advertisers who want to see those clicks.

这一想法在微软内部引发了激烈争论。作为网络浏览软件的头号开发商,微软必须在各种相互矛盾的利益诉求间取得平衡:它既要帮助用Internet Explorer浏览器在网上冲浪的人确保自己的上网记录不外泄,也要帮助广告客户看到这些上网记录。

In the end, the product planners lost a key part of the debate. The winners: executives who argued that giving automaticprivacy to consumers would make it tougher for Microsoft to profit from selling online ads. Microsoft built its browser so that users must deliberately turn on privacysettings every time they start up the software.

最终,Internet Explorer浏览器设计者们的一项重要初衷在这场争论中被否决。在辩论中占了上风的是一些微软高管,他们认为,如果Internet Explorer浏览器自动向消费者提供隐私保护,将加大微软从出售网上广告服务中获利的难度。微软对其Internet Explorer浏览器软件进行了专门设计,用户如果想让自己的上网记录不被跟踪,每次启动这款软件时都得打开一次隐私保护设置。

Microsoft's original privacy plans for the new Explorer were 'industry-leading' and technically superior to privacy features in earlier browsers, says Simon Davies, a privacy-rights advocate in the U.K. whom Microsoft consulted while forming its browser privacy plans. Most users of the final product aren't even aware its privacysettings are available, he says. 'That's where the disappointment lies.'

英国的隐私权事务顾问戴维斯(Simon Davies)说,微软原来为Internet Explorer 8.0制定的隐私权计划处于"业界领先水平",在技术上也优于以往版本Internet Explorer浏览器的隐私权保护功能。他说,可最终情况是,Internet Explorer 8.0的大多数用户甚至不知道这款软件有隐私权设置程序,这正是该产品令人失望的地方。微软在制定其网络浏览器隐私权保护计划时曾咨询过戴维斯的意见。

Microsoft General Counsel Brad Smith says that in developing the new browsers, the company tried to 'synthesize' both points of view about privacy 'in a way that advanced both the privacy interests of consumers and the critical role advertising plays in content.'

微软的首席法律顾问史密斯(Brad Smith)说,开发新浏览器时,微软在隐私权保护方面努力"综合"了上述两种观点,使用户的隐私权利益和广告在内容方面所扮演的重要角色都得到了照顾。

Microsoft's decision reveals the economic forces driving the spread of online tracking of individuals. A Wall Street Journal investigation of the practice showed tracking to be pervasive and ever-more intrusive: The 50 most-popular U.S. websites, including four run by Microsoft, installed an average of 64 pieces of tracking technology each onto a test computer.


As online advertising grows more sophisticated, companies playing prominent roles in consumers' online experiences have discovered they have access to a valuable trove of information. In addition to Microsoft, such companies include search-engine giant Google Inc., iPhone maker Apple Inc., and Adobe Systems Inc., whose Flash software makes much of the Internet's video, gaming and animation possible. These companies now have a big say in how much information can be collected about individual users.

随着网上广告变得更加复杂,那些在消费者网上体验方面扮演着重要角色的公司发现,它们能够进入一个颇有价值的信息宝藏。除微软外,搜索业巨头谷歌(Google Inc.)、iPhone手机生产商苹果公司(Apple Inc.)和网络视频、游戏及动画所需Flash软件的开发商奥多比系统公司(Adobe Systems Inc.)也属于这类企业。它们目前在可以从互联网上收集多少个人用户信息方面有很大发言权。

Executives in Microsoft's new ad business were upset when the designers of Internet Explorer hatched the plan to block tracking activity, say people involved in the debate. At a meeting in the spring of 2008, Brian McAndrews, a Microsoft senior vice president who had been chief executive of aQuantive before Microsoft acquired it, complained to the browser planners. Their privacy plan, he argued, would disrupt the selling of Web ads by Microsoft and other companies, these people say.

据熟悉微软公司上述内部争论的人士说,当Internet Explorer的设计师们酝酿可阻止追踪用户上网记录的计划时,微软新广告业务的高管们感到心烦意乱。在2008年春的一次会议上,微软的高级副总裁迈克安德鲁斯(Brian McAndrews)对Internet Explorer的设计人员发出了抱怨。他在aQuantive被微软收购前一直担任该公司的首席执行长。知情人士称,迈克安德鲁斯说,设计人员酝酿的用户隐私权保护计划不利于微软和其他公司出售互联网广告。

Mr. McAndrews was taken aback that Explorer planners seemed unwilling to accept input from advertisingexecutives, given that Microsoft had spent $6 billion on a Web-ad firm, according two people who participated in the meeting.

据参与了这次会议的两个人说,迈克安德鲁斯当时感到吃惊的是,微软为收购aQuantive这家互联网广告公司花了60亿美元,但Internet Explorer的设计人员却不愿接受广告部门管理人员的建议。

Mr. Smith, the general counsel, says Microsoft weighed both sides of the argument in its debate. He says the company was concerned about the effect strictprivacy features might have on free sites supported by advertising, including newspaper sites. Such sites, including WSJ.com, use information derived from tracking to sell targeted ads, an important revenue source.


Web browsers like Internet Explorer can play an important role in protecting privacy because the software sits between consumers and the array of technologies used to track them online. The best-known of those technologies are browser 'cookies,' small files stored on users' computers that act as identification tags for them when they visit websites.

由于Internet Explorer处于消费者和追踪他们网上足迹的一系列技术中间,因此像这样的网络浏览器在保护隐私中起到重要作用。这些技术中最有名的是浏览器"cookies"技术,这是置于用户电脑内部的小型文件,当用户访问网站时,这些文件就起到标签的作用。

Some cookies, such as those installed when a user asks a favorite website to remember his password, don't do tracking.


Others are installed on computers by companies that provide advertising services to the websites a user visits. These 'third-party' cookies can be designed to track a user's online activities over time, building a database of personal interests and other details.


The Journal's examination of the top 50 most popular U.S. websites showed that Microsoft placed third-party tracking devices on 27 of the top 46 sites that it doesn't itself own.


All the latest Web browsers, including Internet Explorer, let consumers turn on a feature that prevents third-party browser cookies from being installed on their computers. But those settings aren't always easy to find. Only one major browser, Apple's Safari, is preset to block all third-party cookies, in the interest of user privacy.

包括Internet Explorer在内的所有最新网络浏览器,可以让消费者使用一种功能防范第三方浏览器cookies安装在他们的电脑上。但这些设置通常很难找到。只有一种主要浏览器,苹果公司的Safari预设成可阻挡所有第三方cookies,这符合用户保护隐私的利益。

Because Internet Explorer is used by so many people -- nearly 60% of all Web users -- the 2008 decision by planners of the new version to make it easy for users to block tracking could have had a big effect on the marketplace.

由于Internet Explorer被所有网络用户中近60%的人使用,设计师的2008年新版本中有关用户轻易地阻挡追踪的设计,本来有可能在市场产生中重大影响。

The browser planners at Microsoft believed aggressive new privacy features could help differentiate the new Internet Explorer from rivals, according to several current and former Microsoft executives.

微软几位现任及前任高层人士说,微软这一浏览器的设计者相信,强大的隐私保护功能将使新版Internet Explorer与竞争对手的产品区别开来。

The planners, led by Microsoft veteran Dean Hachamovitch, came up with a concept for preventing consumer tracking. A new feature would monitor where each piece of content on a visited Web page was originating on the Internet -- every picture, video or chunk of text. The feature would pay special attention to content from 'third party' Internet addresses -- addresses different from the one a user sees in the address bar at the top of the browser.

由微软资深员工哈查莫维奇(Dean Hachamovitch)带领的设计师团队提出了防范消费者被追踪的理念。新功能将监视已访问网页上的每条内容,无论是图片、视频还是大段的文章是来自互联网的何方。这一功能将尤其关注"第三方"网络地址的内容──第三方网络地址与用户在浏览器上方看到的地址栏内容不同。

Some of that third-party content could be innocuous things like YouTube video clips displayed on the Web page, which viewers presumably wouldn't want to block. Other items might be tracking tools such as Web 'beacons,' snippets of code embedded in the page that can monitor the clicks of visitors, or even record their keystrokes. Users might want such tracking tools blocked automatically" target="_blank" title="ad.自动地;无意识地">automatically.


The Internet Explorer planners proposed a feature that would block any third-party content that turned up on more than 10 visited websites, figuring that anything so pervasive was likely to be a tracking tool. This, they believed, was a more comprehensive approach to privacy than simply turning off browser cookies, one that would thwart other tracking methods.

Internet Explorer设计者提出一项功能,可以阻挡出现在10多个访问网站上的任一第三方内容,理由是任何无所不在的东西都可能是追踪工具。他们相信这一工具对隐私的保护较之简单关掉cookies功能的作法更加全面,这一工具可能会阻挡其他追踪方式。

The group also planned to design the Internet Explorer set-up process so that it guaranteed the privacy feature would be used by most people.

这一小组还计划设计Internet Explorer设置程序,这样可以保证多数人会使用这一隐私保护功能。

When he heard of the ideas, Mr. McAndrews, the executive involved with Microsoft's Internet advertising business, was angry, according to several people familiar with the matter. Mr. McAndrews feared the Explorer group's privacy plans would dramatically reduce the effectiveness of online advertising by curbing the data that could be collected about consumers.

几位熟知情况的人士说,迈克安德鲁斯听到这个想法后非常气愤,他是微软网络广告业务方面的高管。迈克安德鲁斯担心Internet Explorer设计小组的隐私保护计划通过遏制收集消费者数据,严重降低在线广告的效果。

He heard about the proposal through back channels rather than directly from the browser planners, these people say, which surprised him given its implications. Some people who worked in the browser group acknowledge that they should have been more upfront about their intentions. Mr. McAndrews later left the company.
