
To us, a wine shop is a playground. We stop at almost every one we see and always enjoy strolling along the aisles. It's fun to see old friends - 'Look, they have a Bully Hill' - and even more fun to see labels that are new to us. But we understand that many people find wine stores confusing, overwhelming or just plain annoying. All those wines, all those labels, all those neck cards claiming a 90-point rating from someone for just about every wine on the shelf (and often for a different vintage to boot).

对我们来说,葡萄酒专卖店就象游乐场。我们每见到一家卖葡萄酒的店都会进去逛逛。在一排排的酒柜间徜徉,是多么地快乐。熟悉的酒就像老朋友,令人开怀──"你看,他们也有一瓶Bully Hill"──看到以前没见过的酒,那乐趣就更大了。但我们明白,很多人被葡萄酒店搞得晕头转向,无所适从,或者干脆就令他们讨厌。所有的葡萄酒,所有的标签,以及所有瓶颈上挂的卡片都声称该酒被某个酒评家在某个种类的酒中评为90分(通常还是不同的年份)。葡萄酒货架上陈列的所有的酒几乎无一例外。

As a result, too many consumers fall back on the familiar, like that so-so Chardonnay that's not great, but certainly OK, or they choose entirely based on labels, which accounts for the herd of critter quaffers on shelves that feature enough animals to outfit an ark. This is a shame because good wine stores offer an ever-changing array of interesting wines at all price ranges.


In this column, we focus on types of wine you should embrace or avoid. We don't think consumers should have to walk into a store with a long list of specific wines to buy or shun. Instead, we're trying to make the wine shop smaller. Regular readers should be gaining a general sense of which types of wine are most likely to offer good value. Even we - when we walk into a large store - need to make some immediate judgments about where we think we'll have the greatest chance of success finding wines to enjoy in our off-duty wine lives. We'd guess that people who know something about gambling do the same thing, focusing on games with the greatest odds in their favor and avoiding the others.


Secrets of Success
Based on blind tastings for our columns over the past couple of years, here are some tips for making the wine shop smaller. Now, this point is critical: We are not saying here that the aisles we'd skip don't include some good wine; of course they do. But we want to focus on the aisles where we expect the greatest chance of success if we simply pick up a bottle. For whole categories that we suggest you avoid, we will continue to conduct broad tastings and we'll let you know when it's safe to go back into those waters. Other people would certainly decode a wine shop differently, but this is how we do it:


Skip the boxed and jug wines. This usually eliminates large sections of many stores. More palatable wines are being packaged in boxes these days and there are some good jugs, but save these for pool parties in the summer.


Pass by the Australian aisles. Just about every wine shop we walk into these days is choked with Australian wines. Heaven knows there are some good ones - especially among the less-popular varietals such as Riesling and famous, expensive wines like Grange - but our recent tastings have raised caution flags about lower-priced Australian wines.


Ignore the most popular lower-priced American wines, including Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay. We know we're covering a lot of territory here and making just about everybody mad, but our broad tastings over several years indicate that there are more losers than winners among these wines. Your chances of finding value here are low, though there are, of course, some good ones, which we've written about in the past and will certainly write about in the future. If you really must have a Merlot, plan to spend more than $20.

请各位忽视最大众化的便宜的美国酒,其中包括美乐(Merlot)、赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)和霞多丽(Chardonnay)。我们知道我们这样说涵盖的范围太广了,几乎得罪了每个人;但是,我们数年里广泛的品酒经验告诉我们,这些酒中,输家多于赢家。要在这些酒中找到物有所值的东西,其可能性是很小的。当然,其中也有些好酒,我们过去也写过,将来肯定还会再写。若你非买一瓶美乐不可,那你得准备花20美元以上。

Unless you are specifically looking for a special-occasion wine, keep walking past the rack of very expensive Bordeaux until you get to the midrange Bordeaux, the bottles that cost under $50. We've found that, for the price, these often offer the kind of class and structure that a fine meal, like a great steak, demands. It's also worth taking a chance on a low-priced Bordeaux because sometimes these can be among the best $10 deals in the stores. Just don't expect to recognize the labels or even, in many cases, the appellation; the reason these are inexpensive is that hardly anyone has ever heard of them. We'd usually skip the red Burgundy aisle, though we'll never give up on these because, at their best, they're the greatest, and sexiest, wines in the world, but they're finicky, risky.


The South America, South Africa, New Zealand and Spain sections are always worth a good look. There are new wines coming from those areas all the time, often at great prices, as they try to gain a market in the U.S.


For reds, head to the Italian section and look for wines from the Piedmont region. You'll know it by the expensive Barolos, but even if you're not looking for a big, costly wine for dinner, this is also where you'll find a gold mine of value, such as Barbera d'Alba. We've had better luck with Piedmont than Tuscany, though it's still hard to beat upscale Chianti for vitality and food-friendliness.

  • overwhelming [,əuvə´welmiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.压倒的;势不可挡的 四级词汇
  • annoying [ə´nɔiiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.使人气恼的;讨厌的 六级词汇
  • trying [´traiiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.难堪的;费劲的 四级词汇
  • grange [´greindʒ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.农场;庄园 六级词汇
  • taking [´teikiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.迷人的 n.捕获物 六级词汇
  • inexpensive [,inik´spensiv] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.廉价的 六级词汇
  • vitality [vai´tæliti] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.活力;生命力;效力 四级词汇
