
  八年级英语下册Unit 8 Topic 1教学案例4

   Section D needs 1 period. Section D 需用1课时。

   The main activities are 1a, 3 and 4. 本课重点活动是1a, 3和4。

   Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求

   1. Learn a new word and a sentence:


   You are what you wear.

   2. Review the usages of "so ...", "so ... that ..." and "... so that ...".

   I liked it so much that my father bought it for me.

   My old coats are so short that I want to buy some new ones.

   People started to wear clothes so that they could protect themselves from the sun, wind, rain

   and cold.

   3. Learn some information about clothes.

   It's said that the first types of clothes were made of animal skins.

   Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


   Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

   Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 13分钟)


   1. (让学生报告上节课的调查结果。)

   T: Boys and girls, I want to know the results of your surveys. Would you like to share with us?


   Ss: Yes.

   T: Great! S1, please.

   S1: I interviewed six family members. My father's favorite overcoat is dark blue. It's made of cotton ...

   T: Wonderful! I'm pleased with your description. Anyone else?


   2. (小组竞赛,将全班分成四组,看一看哪一组在两分钟内说出有关衣服的句型和词组最多。要求学生回忆归纳本话题所学过的句型和词组。)

   T: Well done! I believe you have got the main points of this topic. Right?

   Ss: Yes!

   T: So let's have a competition. You can say the sentences about clothes as many as possible in two minutes. Understand?

   (教师在讲此话时,板书G1, G2, G3, G4, 并把纸剪的楼梯模型贴于黑板上。)

   G1 G2 G3 G4

   Ss: Yes.


   T: Please say the sentences that we have learnt without looking at books, but what you say should be different from others'! I'll see how many points you can get. Are you ready?

   Ss: Yes.

   T: Go!

   S2: It is made of natural materials.

   S3: I can't buy the silk blouse.

   S4: What a nice coat!

   S5: I want to buy a leather jacket.


   T: Time is up. Let's see which group is the winner.


   G1 G2 G3 G4

   正 正 正 正

   正 正


   T: Oh, Group 2 got sixteen points. So they are the winners. Congratulations! Give them a big round of applause!


   T: Don't worry, Group 4, and there will be some other good chances for you. Work harder!

   G4: OK!

   T: Well! Let's sum up what you said just now.

   3. (教师与学生一起回忆并板书归纳本单元重点句型与词组,尽量呈现Section D, 2b内容。完成2b。)

   T: Let's read the sentences in 2b together.

   Ss: ...

   T: Great! Then I'll give you a surprise. You eight, please come here.


   T: Boys and girls, please look at them carefully.


   T: Don't be surprised! What you should do is to describe their clothes and get points for your




   uniform, kimono, sportswear

   T: Is that interesting?

   Ss: Yes.

   T: Do you know what the first types of clothes were made of?

   Ss: Sorry, we don't know.

   T: OK. It's said that many years ago the first types of clothes were made of animal skins.

   (板书"It's said that ...", 并解释。)

   It's said that ...

   T: Do you know why we wear clothes? OK, you can discuss it with your partner.


   T: Boys and girls, if you want to know some more information, please open your books on page 83. Look at 1a.


   Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 12分钟)


   1. (学生自读1a,教师板书问题。)

   T: We can know what kind of materials the clothes are made of from the instruction tag. Now read the passage in 1a and answer the following questions:

   (1) What were the first type of clothes made of ?

   (2) Why did people wear clothes?

   (3) How do you understand"You are what you wear."?

   2. (鼓励全班学生大声整齐地读文章, 学生阅读完1a,核对问题的答案并完成1b。在核对过程中,如果有错及时予以纠正。)

   T: Now you read 1a aloud together. Then finish 1b.

   T: Now, let's check the answers in 1b. The first one, is it right?

   Ss: No. It's wrong.

   T: How to correct it?

   Ss: The first types of clothes were made of animal skins.

   T: Yes. You are so clever.

   3. (听1a录音并跟读。给学生讲解一些语言点,并板书关键词和句子。)

   T: Let's follow the tape and go through the passage again. This time we should find out the key words and sentences.


   It is said that--be made of--so that--today--more than--tell--yellow or pink clothes--lively and easy-going--you are what you wear

   Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 5分钟)


   1. (让学生以游戏的方式复述课文。)

   T: Very good. Every student is so excellent. Now, please read 1a as carefully as you can and try to remember it. Later, we will play a game to retell the text.

   (活动说明: 把关键词按在文中出现的顺序分成三块,写在纸条上并标上序号;然后以接龙的方式复述课文主要内容。操作方式如下: 教师以击鼓传花的方式来选取三名学生,让学生参看纸条内容按顺序复述课文。该活动可重复,让每名学生都有机会参与。)

   T: Stop here, boys and girls. I would like to choose three students to retell the passage. Every student will have a note with key words and a number. Do you understand?

   Ss: Yes.

   T: I hit the table. When I stop, the student holding this book will be given a note to retell part of the passage. Go!

   S1 S2 S3: ...

   S4 S5 S6: ...

   T: OK, stop here. Let's retell the text together.

   Ss: ...

   2. (让学生朗读2a的句型。理解"so ... / so ... that ... / so that ..."的用法,并在本话题中找出类似的句子。)

   T: Let's read the sentences in 2a and find out similar sentences in this topic.

   Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 9分钟)


   1. (让学生完成2a。)

   T: I'm pleased with your job. I'm sure you can do better next. Let's look at the sentences in 2a again. Do you have any problems about the sentences?

   Ss: No.

   T: Then let's read it together.


   Ss: ...

   2. (让学生用"so ...","so ... that ..."或"so that ..."造句。)


   T: Please make sentences using"so ...","so ... that ..."or"so that ...". You should work in groups, and I'll see which group can make the most sentences in one minute. First, discuss in groups. Begin!


   T: Stop here. Let's begin. Which group will try first?

   T: Group A, S1, please.

   S1: The house is so expensive that I can't buy it.

   S2: I'm very tired, so I want to have a good sleep.

   S3: I want to make more money so that I can buy a MP4.


   T: I'm sorry there is no time for us to do it. Let's see which group is the best.


   T: Oh, Group 4 got fifteen points. So they are the winners. Give them a big round of applause! The other groups, work harder next time.

   Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 6分钟)


   1. (完成4。)

   T: Please finish 4.


   T: Now, time is up. It's time for you to give a report to the whole class. I'll ask three students to do it. Do you understand?

   Ss: Yes.

   T: S1, please.

   S1: ...


   2. Homework:


   Look at the picture and describe the girl's clothes.

   Useful sentences:

   (1) Who is she?

   (2) What color / size / materials ... are her clothes?

   (3) What do you think of them?



  • presentation [,prezən´teiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.介绍;赠送;提出 四级词汇
  • holding [´həuldiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.保持,固定,存储 六级词汇

文章标签:英语教案  八年级  八年级英语