
在iOS 7正式发布之后,许多升上新系统的iPhone 4用户抱怨打字时延迟很高,光是调用键盘甚至都"需要5至15秒"。日前国外一位名叫Samsamsamsam的网友给出了靠谱的解决办法。

要解决iPhone 4打字卡顿的问题其实很简单。根据Samsamsamsam的说法,用户只需登录iCloud,然后在设置中将"文稿与数据"这一项关闭,问题就可以得到圆满解决。"我知道这很怪,但真的有用。"他说。

令人惊讶的是,Samsamsamsam给出的解决办法获得了100%的好评。所有遇到这个问题的iPhone 4用户在尝试之后都表示延迟问题"完美解决"。一位网友回复说,他之前差点对自己的iPhone 4失去了信心,还好这个办法好使。

另外有用户称,如果iPad在iOS 7下遇到了相同的情况,也可以用这个方法解决。

Some iPhone 4 devices are struggling to keep up with the hardware demands of iOS 7, and one Softpedia reader seems to have come up with a fix for a reported keyboard lag.


Following the debut of Apple's new mobile software, Softpedia readers poured a truckload of comments with both praise and hate for the way Apple is handling the transition from Scott Forstall's skeuomorphic iOS 6 to Jony Ive's flat iOS 7.


Some of the negative comments centered on the fact that iOS 7 runs incredibly slow (for some users) on iPhone 4 hardware. The main complaint has been a huge input lag on the virtual keyboard.


"There is at least a 5-15 second delay whenever I used the keyboard to type anything - pw to open phone, text, email, notes..... It is awful. I wish I could remove it and go back," was just one of the numerous complaints on the topic.


As it turns out, there's a quick fix to the problem. Reader "Samsamsamsam" tells everyone to simply "Disable 'documents and data' in the iCloud settings and that fixes all keyboard problems."


He asks fellow readers to pass on his "weird but true fix," and we're delighted to lend a helping hand.


Even more surprising is that the fix seems to work for everyone. Various commenters replying to Samsamsamsam are reporting 100% success with the solution, and we encourageeveryone to go ahead and try it on their respective handsets.


"This really worked! Thanks!" says one user.


Another one chimes in with a more detailed description of the problem, saying, "You are correct. That worked on my ipad. The problem is not the iphone 4. The problem is ios 7."


It isn't clear how this user reached this conclusion, but it's not impossible for him/her to be correct.


"Thank you for the heads up. My phone was pretty useless. I disabled as you discribed and it worked," another user wrote.