
多年来,亚洲富豪曾在西方价格昂贵的公寓和豪宅上一掷千金,如今他们正在购买的是欧洲和北美的小型写字楼、零售店和品牌酒店,寻求稳定回报,并实现投资的多元化,远离他们认为风险越来越高、越来越不稳定的本土市场。房地产研究公司Real Capital Analytics的数据显示,今年前六个月,亚洲私人投资者在美国商业地产上投入了19亿美元。这个数字已经令亚洲私人投资者2012年全年购买的美国商业地产总值(5.514亿美元)相形见绌。

After years of splurging on pricey condos and mansions in the West, Asia's rich now are buying small office buildings, retail shops and branded hotels in Europe and North America, searching for stable returns and diversifying away from home markets they view as increasingly risky and volatile.

具有重大意义的资产仍然吸引着人们的注意,比如中国地产开发商张欣今年6月就收购了纽约通用汽车大厦(General Motors Building)的少数股份。但世界各地的房地产业内人士说,他们看到并非超级富豪的亚洲人对于规模在3,000万美元以下的交易兴趣大增,而这样的交易通常是本地私人投资者的投资范畴。

In the first six months of this year, Asian private investors poured $1.9 billion into U.S. commercial properties, according to data from Real Capital Analytics. That total already dwarfs the $551.4 million worth of U.S. commercial real estate purchased by Asian private investors in 2012.

Real Capital Analytics还说,其数据可能低估了这种趋势,因为该公司并不跟踪规模低于250万美元的交易。此外,该公司也无法统计外国投资者通过当地合作伙伴以及未上市房地产投资信托基金等第三方机构进行的投资。同样地,该公司也承认,并不全面掌握通过高人气的EB-5投资移民项目流入美国的资金情况,该项目向投资额至少50万美元的投资者发放五年期签证,投资对象为在美国创造就业机会的企业,很多时候都是房地产项目。

Trophy assets still draw attention, including such deals as Chinese developer Zhang Xin's acquisition of a minority stake in the General Motors Building in New York in June. But real-estate insiders around the world say they are seeing a surge of interest by less-wealthy Asians for deals worth less than $30 million, which are typically the domain of local, private investors.

Real Capital Analytics董事总经理法苏洛(Dan Fasulo)说,跟踪所有的资金流动难度很大,我们知道没有完全统计以数十亿美元的规模进入美国的资金数量。

Real Capital added that its figures are likely underreporting the trend, since the firm doesn't track transactions below the $2.5 million mark. Moreover, the firm can't account for investments foreign investors made through a local partner and through third-party entities such as an unlisted real-estate-investment trust. As well, the firm admitted it doesn't capture all the flows into the U.S. via the popular EB-5 investor-immigration program, which grants five-year visas to those who invest as little as $500,000 in a business