

  Hi,大家好!我是大卫,英文名是 David,我来自中国北京。"David 伦敦之行"跟踪记录我第一次英国之行的所见所闻和所想。整个系列节目大约分为七期,你们可以看到我的文字介绍、图片资料,听到我对不同行业的人的采访录音。大家不仅能增进对英国文化的进一步了解,而且可以学到新鲜地道的英语表达,提高自身的英语水平。欢迎将 David's London 介绍给你的朋友,请点击这里发送明信片

  今天是我伦敦之行的第四站,我采访了 Dolphin Square Hotel 的一位 Concierge (门童)。

Level ★★★★★
I learned that Dolphin Square was built in 1935. It stands on the banks of the famous River Thames and is surrounded by the busy streets of Westminster. The hotel has its own gardens, and I love the peace and tranquillity of the countryside-like situation. It takes less than five minutes to walk to the nearby Pimlico Tube Station. Along the way is a Catholic church on the east side of the road. I tried several times to persuade myself to have a look inside the church but failed. I found that gothic building with its tall spire rather frightening.
peace and tranquillity 宁静
countryside-like (adj.) 如乡间的
Catholic church 天主教堂
persuade (v.) 说服
spire (n.) 尖顶
frightening (adj.) 令人恐惧的
